AviClear Laser Acne Treatment
AviClear is coming to Australia in 2023. In the US, Aviclear has taken the dermatology world by storm. This revolutionary laser offers a permanent solution for mild, moderate and severe acne. Treatments are well tolerated and convenient, requiring only 3 monthly sessions. As the laser targets the oil gland, all skin types can be safely & effectively treated.
FactsFacts on AviClear Laser Acne Treatment
- AviClear specifically targets the source of the oil on your skin.
- After treatment, you will produce less oil & your acne will get better & stay better.
- AviClear uses the power of laser light
- AviClear eliminates acne at the source without the need for prescription medications.
- Only 3 sessions are required, spaced 4 weeks apart
- AviClear can be combined with Laser Genesis to reduce scars & pigmentation from acne
What is the science behind AviClear?
AviClear uses a unique laser beam that targets the cause of acne, namely the oil gland, also known as the sebaceous gland. Normal skin structures are not damaged with this unique laser.

What does AviClear bring to the acne treatment arena?
AviClear provides a highly effective, safe, & quick treatment method to treat acne without the need for prescription drugs. As reference, patients on drugs like isotretinoin (Accutane) will experience side effects, some of them serious. Other mainstream acne treatments are associated with antibiotic resistance, or side effects such as weight gain.
When will I see the results of treatment?
87% of patients treated with AviClear saw their acne resolve at 6 months. The results continue to improve with time — even several months after your treatment sessions are finished.
Is the treatment painful?
During treatment, you may notice a slight snapping sensation much like a rubber band flicking on your skin (a small rubber band, not a big a** one). In clinical studies, patients tolerated the treatment well, without the need for pain relief.

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How good is it?
90% of patients were satisfied or very satisfied with their results after only one treatment. Results may continue to improve with time — even months after your treatment sessions are finished.
Are there any side effects from AviClear?
AviClear is free of long term side effects, free of chemicals & drugs. It is safe for all skin colors. After your AviClear session you may experience mild symptoms such as redness, inflammation, & short term purging. These are all expected results which settle in within a few days.
Acne submarine comedones lie deep in the skin layers. They are often resistant to #accutane & require extractions
🔬Acne #cysts can be inflammatory (true cysts) or macrocomedones. The later can be persistent & often resistant to conventional management including topicals, #chemicalpeels & even oral isotretinoin / #accutane
👉Macrocomedones are best visualised by stretching the skin or providing counter pressure (tongue to cheek). These ‘cysts’ lie deep in the dermal layer. Picking will lead to #acnescars
💉Management includes ‘poke & extract’, more precise methods with less collateral damage include CO2 or erbium laser drill with a 1mm spot. Hyfrecation with a needle point, low watts can also be effective
📋Many ways to treat acne, be guided by your #dermatologist. Chemical peels include BHA or #salicylicacid peels (10-30%), retinoid peels (0.5-3%), topical #retinol - #retinoids, vitamin A analogues, abs, OCP, other hormonal control. Never underestimate the efficacy of the #acnediet
⏱Action: Give yourself a timeframe of 6 weeks for OTC management, if acne is not controlled, consider seeing a primary care physician, failing that, a medical dermatologist can assist
😎Davin Lim,
Dermatologist @drdavinlim
Disclaimer: I am a procedural dermatologist. If you do have medical conditions, including acne, please see my colleagues @cliniccutis .
#acnefree #acnetreatment #acnecysts#blackheads #blemishfree #acne#acnecysts
The algorithm of acne treatment changes with skin type
🔬Skin Science: Ethnic & darker skin types react differently to lighter skin. Firstly, PIH or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation is almost universal with inflammatory skin conditions for skin type 4 or higher. This can hang around for 5 years or longer. Secondly, fibroblastic response is exaggerated in darker skin, meaning higher incidence of #acnescars
👉👀Treatment Options: Comedonal acne, namely #blackheads & whitehead can be improved with #retinol, #retinoids, #microdermabrasion & chemical peels. Salicylic acid peels or BHA peels are more lipophilic compared to AHA peels.Sal acid peels have more anti-inflammatory properties cf AHA, ideal for #acne. Concentrations I use range from 8 to 30% BHA🍌🍌
👉👊Dermatologist use: Anti-inflammatory tabs, anti-hormone meds, topicals, #photodynamictherapy (not #kleresca), LLEDs & oral isotretinoin. PIH rx with usual topicals QSL & #picolasers
🏠Take home message: if you have uncontrolled acne with dark skin, probably best to see a dermatologist for early & effective control. The single most important factor contributing to acne scarring is the time taken to EFFECTIVE & in most cases ABSOLUTE control
Dr Davin Lim
Disclaimer: I do not treat acne. For medical conditions, please see my colleagues @cliniccutis they are 👍🏻💯
#chemicalpeels #accutane #skinscience #beautyscience #dermatologist #brisbanedermatologist #pih #skinlightening #cysticacne #blackheadacne #acnetreatments #acnecure #acnesupport #acnehelp #acneorg #acnehope #drdavinlim #davinlim
PIH also known as post inflammatory hyperpigmentation is most commonly associated with past - present acne lesions. PIH is also known as ‘acne marks’ or grade 1 #acnescars. This patient has active acne,& grade 1,2,3 scars
🔬PIH can refer to brown or red acne marks. I prefer to separate red acne marks in the category of macular erythema, or PIE - post inflammatory erythema. These can co-exist with other grades of acne scars
👉👌🏻How to treat? Prevention is the key. Treat acne early AND effectively. Predictive factors for #acnescars include a family history, manipulation of lesions (picking), degree of inflammation & time taken to EFFECTIVE control. Pigment can be decreased with sunscreen. Pigment faders such as #hydroquinone #kojicacid #meladerm #arbutin #licorice #AHAs & #ascorbicacid can be effective. Low strength peels such as AHAs or BHA salicylic acid - TCA can fade pigment. Lasers including nano-pico-fractional lasers can be useful as adjunctive treatment, as can vascular modulation. For resistant cases, see a dermatologist
👍🏻Davin’s Protip: Obtain CONTROL of acne prior to or concurrent with acne treatment, this reduces-prevents FUTURE scarring
😎Dr Davin Lim, Dermatologist
#dermatologistbrisbane #skinbrisbane #brisbaneskin #skincareexpert #dermatologybrisbane #skincaretips #healthyskin #darkacnescars
Disclaimer: I am a procedural dermatologist, namely I operate, laser, inject, & generally do scary stuff, I do not see cases of acne, however I do see cases of complex-severe acne scarring. For medical therapy to control acne, my colleagues @cliniccutis can assist
The MOST important predictor of acne scarring is the TIME taken to achieve EFFECTIVE control of acne. This post illustrates what can happen to scars when control is early + effective
🔬Skin Science: There are many factors that can contribute to acne scars including chronicity of the disease, extent, family history, & self manipulation (picking/acne excoriee). There are biochemical markers that can predict the chances of acne scars however clinical features are more practical / relevant. Scars are more common in CHRONIC ACNE, as well as adult jawline hormonal acne. The later is associated with deep, painful & blind ended pimples. Picking is frequently seen in this subtype of acne
👊Control of #acne is important. Dermatologist can prescribe topicals including vitamin A/ #retinoids, abs, oral #isotretinoin - #accutane, anti androgens, as well as physical modalities including #photodynamictherapy , #kleresca, LLEDs, & AHAs- BHA #salicylicacidpeels.
📋The ideal treatment depends on clinical factors, lifestyle factors, family & personal history. Be guided by your #dermatologist. Don’t forget the #acnediet
👉Acne, Acne Scars + Topicals: I am aware that recent papers show that topical retinoids, namely #adapelene - #differin can improve acne & scars. Most dermatologists agee that once acne is controlled, #collagen & scar remodelling can occur without exogenous factors. Regardless of these papers funded by #Galderma, topical retinoids remain as first line treatment in most patients
🔫💉Scar revision & acne: Scar revision can be initiated early, just as long as acne is under control. As per JAMA guidelines, all revision procedures apart from fully ablative lasers can be sensibly employed when patients are on oral isotret
😎Davin’s Tip: Take a photo & treat your acne. Review in 6-8 wks. If it is not under control / markedly better; see a dermatologist. Longer the inflammation, the higher the chance of acne scarring
Davin Lim @drdavinlim
Disclaimer: I am a procedural dermatologist, I do not treat acne, my colleagues @cliniccutis
Can assist you for medical concerns
#pimples #acnetreatments #blemishfree #hormonalacne #zits
What is the difference between AviClear & other lasers for acne?
AviClear is the first laser that can treat all forms of acne, including mild, moderate to severe cystic acne. Unlike other lasers, AviClear offers a permanent cure for acne as it targets the sebaceous-oil glands implicated in the formation of pimples.

What other lasers can be used for acne?
Previous attempts at treating acne with lasers only target the bacteria implicated in acne breakouts. Bacteria produce light sensitive chemicals called porphyrins. Lasers activate these chemicals, in turn killing bacteria.
AviClear on the other hand targets the cause of acne; namely the sebaceous glands. To date, no laser has been more successful in treating acne.
How does AviClear compare with PDT or photodynamic therapy & Kleresca?
PDT (Photodynamic therapy) & Kleresca employed high intensity light sources to activate chemicals that are concentrated in the oil glands. Though effective to some extent, Kleresca requires more treatments than AviClear. Most importantly, blue light can give side-effects such as post treatment pigmentation, especially in dark skin types.
How does AviClar compare with RF microneedling?
RF Microneedling is another effective (but painful & slow) way to treat acne. RF produces heat that results in thermal destruction of oil glands. Whilst there are no head to head comparisons, it seems that AviClear has the advantage. In summary, RF:
Pros: Treats scars & possibly acne via non-selective destruction of oil glands.
Cons: Pain. Effective RFM requires strong analgesia. Collateral damage to surrounding skin means a long recovery. In contrast, AviClear requires no numbing.
Will acne scars improve with AviClear?
AviClear has FDA clearance for the treatment of acne, however dermatologists know that lasers can also improve acne scars. By markedly reducing inflammation in the skin, it allows your immune system to remodel collagen & reduce acne scars.
Laser Genesis can be highly effective to reduce red marks & early acne scarring. This treatment uses gentle laser light to repair scars with no downtime or pain.
Can I undertake treatments for acne scars whilst I am on the AviClear program?
Yes. We suggest spacing out your appointments one week apart. AviClear is compatible with scar revision procedures such as TCA CROSS, subcision, lasers, microneedling, & microneedling RF.

How does AviClear differ from chemical peels such as salicylic acid?
Peels such as beta-hydroxy acids or salicylic acid only target clogged oil glands. Peels work as exfoliators. They unclog blocked pores, in turn reducing blackheads & pimples. The action of salicylic acid peels last between 3-5 weeks, thereafter a repeat treatment is required.
What acne subtypes don’t do well with AviClear?
AviClear targets mild, moderate to severe cystic acne. Hormonal acne, characterized by painful cysts around the jawline, may be more resistant to AviClear as this form of acne lies deep in the skin’s surface.
What pairs well with AviClear?
AviClear works well as a stand-alone treatment. Your dermatologist may discuss additional treatments that may be paired with AviClear for accelerated results. These include-
- Topical retinoids such as Differin, Tazarotene & tretinoin. Retinoids work at a molecular level to target the oil gland, in addition to reducing bacteria counts & inflammation.
- Topical or oral anti-inflammatories
- BHA peels for short term exfoliation
- Hormone blockers
- Oral retinoids
Laser Genesis for redness & early acne scars

What lifestyle modifications can speed up my gains?
If you want faster results, consider simple lifestyle changes that will complement AviClear. These include-
- Diet. Cut out dairy, sugar & processed foods.
- Practice good skin care.<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> Remove makeup before bedtime. Let your skin breathe for a minimum of 2 days per week.
Sunscreen can reduce red & brown acne scars.
AviClear versus oral isotretinoin or Accutane, what is the verdict?
As of the time of writing (late 2022-early 2023), there are no studies to suggest which one is better. It is complex as there are many factors to consider, including-
- Side effects (the biggie). Accutane has lots of side effects, some serious. it is up to the individual to voice their concerns. Side effects such as dry skin, lips, muscle aches & pains, sore joints, blurred vision, & headache are not uncommon.
Despite optimal dosing, between 30-40% of patients will require a second course of treatment. Unlike isotretinoin, AviClear has no side effects (apart from transient limited purging).

What is Laser Genesis & why is it awesome when combined with AviClear?
Laser Genesis is a proven method of remodeling collagen, hence it is a logical step in improving acne scars & improving skin texture. Laser Genesis uses a different laser compared to AviClear. In short, Genesis-
- Improves scars & pores
- Reduces redness or post inflammatory erythema
- Has no down time
- Is NOT painful
- Requires 5-10 sessions, 2 week apart for best results
What are other ways to treat acne?
Effective acne treatment targets one or all four cause of acne, namely-
- Excessive oil or sebum production
- Inflammation
- Clogging of pores (technically abnormal keratinisation of the pilosebaceous unit)
- Overgrowth of c.acne, the bacteria implicated in acne
Retinoids work by targeting all four causes of acne. The two types of retinoids include topical & oral (Accutane-isotretinoin).
Antihormonal medication such as spironolactone, drospirenone or cyproterone acetate work by reducing oil production.

Does AviClear reduce pore sizing?
In theory, yes. I am sure that there will be a plethora of scientific articles in the next year or so. The two main causes of enlarged pores in younger patients are genetics & high sebum output (oily skin). As AviClear preferentially targets the oil gland, we should see a gradual decrease in the diameter of enlarged pores.
How does AviClear compare to IPL treatments such as Forever Clear BBL for acne?
IPL treatment, also known as BBL or broad-band-light or commercially as Forever Clear is tech that is nearly 2 decades old. Blue & red light can reduce acne lesions, however, unlike AviClear, the results are temporary.
Blue light should not be used darker skin types as it can cause prolonged post-inflammatory pigmentation. AviClear on the other hand is safe & effective on all skin types.
How does AviClear compare to Hollywood Spectra laser peels for acne?
This novel treatment uses carbon particles which are then treated with a pigment laser. First reported over a decade ago, the carbon peels are more marketing than science. It has been shown that there is minimal absorption of carbon particles into the oil gland as this lies in the deeper layers of skin.
Spectra nanosecond Q switch lasers have FDA clearance for pigmentation such as melasma, but not for acne.
How does AviClear compare with LED lasers such as Omnilux & Healite?
Blue light is better than red light, however blue LEDs stimulate pigmentation in darker skin types. Red is safer (but not as effective as blue light) & reduces inflammation caused by pimples & breakouts. Red light goes deeper than blue light.

Compared to LEDs Aviclear has two main advantages-
- AviClear offers a permanent solution, as compared to LED or Low Laser Light Emitting Diodes (LLLED).
- LED treatments require 2 visits per week, for a total of 24 visits over 12 weeks. That’s a lot of visits for a temporary improvement of acne.

How does AviClear compare to V Beam & Derma V lasers for redness?
Vascular lasers can provide a decrease in inflammation due to pimples & cysts. These lasers work by reducing bacterial growth in zits as it activates chemicals known as porphyrins.
The downside of vascular lasers is that results are temporary, as compared to AviClear. For patients who suffer from acne & red marks, combination AviClear – vascular lasers such as Excel V addresses both cause, & end result of pimples.
Another downside of vascular lasers is the higher side effect profile when treating dark skin. AviClear has none of these side effects as it can be safely & effectively performed on all skin types.
How does AviClear compare to Agnes RF & other devices?
Agnes RF uses radiofrequency energy to destroy the oil glands. Though it is effective in offering a permanent solution, it is labor intensive taking 14-48 hours of therapy as each sebaceous gland requires treatment.
Davin’s perspective on AviClear for acne
AviClear is a side-step of laser hair removal as it targets the oil gland. LHR (laser hair removal) targets the germ cells of the hair follicles, whilst the 1726 nm wavelength of AviClear has preferential absorption that targets the oil or sebaceous gland.

The safety & efficacy of the 1726 thulium laser (AviClear’s wavelength) has been demonstrated in the field of urology, however the genius of Rox Anderson & his team has increased the repertoire of this wavelength.
Laser acne treatments are not new, in fact one of the first lasers used was that of the Smoothbeam (now well over a decade old). In the context of acne treatments, they work in one of three ways-
- Laser targeting the oil or sebaceous glands.
- Laser activating prepped skin (ALA- porphyrins, mico-gold or carbon particles)
- Laser activation of porphyrins produced by bacteria.
- Laser reduces skin inflammation.
Lasers that have been shown to treat acne include-
- Studies have shown that deep CO2 has similar outcomes compared to RF microneedling. The downside is that CO2 patients have 5 times the duration of recovery compared to the RF microneedling group. Both these modalities
- Q switch lasers have been promoted as a treatment for acne as the longer wavelengths can penetrate into the deeper layers of skin. Papers have suggested that sebaceous glands can be targeted with the 1064 wavelength as enlarged pores can be diminished with this therapy. The fact remains that longer wavelengths are required to preferentially target the sebaceous or oil gland. The novel use of target pigments, in particular carbon, though spectacular, are not absorbed deep enough to cause thermolysis of targeted tissue. I still use this laser to reduce enlarged pores, however picosecond lasers are much better at this job.
- Intense pulse light is effective, especially filtered blue light, however results are temporary. The proposed action is that light activates porphyrins produced by c.acnes, the bacteria implicated in acne lesions. Despite multiple papers on how blue wavelengths worsens post-treatment pigmentation in ethnic skin, this practice still continues (Yup, Kleresca does this). Porphyrin absorption of red light is less than blue, however it is safer in darker skin. There are few publications proposing IPL can permanently reduce sebum production, however mainstream ideology is not so.
- PDL or pulse dye laser has been used extensively over the past 20 years to treat acne as well as grade 1-2 acne scars. It is most effective against red inflamed acne spots & red marks left from acne, namely PIE or post inflammatory erythema. At Cutis Dermatology we employ vascular lasers including the VBeam Prima, Perfecta, long pulse NdYag (Sciton, Splendor X), as well as new technology including DermaV 532 & 1064 lasers. The downside of vascular lasers is that effects are temporary, unlike AviClear that promises a long term solution.
- Erbium doped & glass lasers (1550) are more useful in treating acne scars as compared to acne lesions. Though there is some element of sebaceous gland targeting, their wavelengths are not as effective as compared to AviClear. I do not employ these lasers in the context of reducing acne as there are far better, & more effective solutions out there.
- RF devices have been used to treat acne & offer a permanent solution. There are two types of radiofrequency delivery.
- Non-targeted RF destruction of sebaceous glands. This group employs both non-insulated & insulated RF microneedles. Devices include Morpheus8, Infini RF, Genius RF, Intensif & others. Though we have several of these devices, I do not use them to treat acne as there are more effective, less painful & more cost effective solutions. RF microneedling however, can be an effective treatment of atrophic acne scars.
- Targeted RF destruction of sebaceous glands. This novel method employs RF energy to manually treat each & every oil gland. Invented by Koreans, this tech is over 15 years old. It is a permanent solution, however it is labor intensive, hence why it is popular in Asia. Agnes RF is a two step process, namely physical extraction of each blackhead, whitehead, cyst, pimple & pustule one day prior to RF. This is followed by manual therapy of each pore with a fine needle. 2-4 sessions are required for best results. I have a device that is similar to Agnes RF- the Ionno Plus RF. AviClear provides a better less costly option compared to RF microneedles.
RFM treats the deeper layers of skin, whilst preserving the upper layers. RF can target the oil gland, however treatments are painful. It typically takes 12-20 hours to perform, as compared to a Toal of 1.5 hours for AviClear.
As dermatologists we understand that combination therapies for acne gives far better results delivered in a timely manner. This is especially important if there are clinical findings of acne scarring. A simple, cost effective & quick combination is as follows-
- AviClear: Conducted monthly for 3 consecutive months
- Diet: Low GI, dairy free, organic foods.
- Supplements: Option for zinc sulfate.
- Topicals: Topical retinol or retinoid combinations including tretinoin, adapalene, trifarotene or tazarotene. Option for azelaic acid for inflammatory lesions or benzoyl peroxide.
- Oral agents include anti-inflammatories, anti-hormonal medications or oral retinoids
- Lasers for redness, post inflammatory pigmentation & early acne scars.
Anti-acne diet may work in some cases. It requires marked discipline with no cheat days.