Cafe Au Lait Macules Birthmarks

Cafe Au Lait Macules Birthmarks

  • Best Results2-3 treatments
  • Treatment Recovery5-8 days
  • Procedure Time5 to 15 minutes
  • Skin SpecialistDavin Lim
  • Duration of ResultsVariable
  • AnaestheticNumbing
  • Back to Work1-6 days
  • Cost$-$$ (Medicare)

Cafe Au Lait Macules Birthmarks

Cafe Au Lait Macules are common birthmarks. They respond well to both nano & the latest pico lasers. Most patients require 2-4 sessions, depending on surface area, location, & skin type. Medicare provides some subsidy for this type of birthmark. Not all brown birthmarks are Cafe Au Lait Macules.

FactsFacts on CALM or Cafe Au Lait Macules

  • This is one of the more common brown birthmarks
  • Most respond to treatment
  • Lasers are first line, IPL can give modest results

What are Cafe Au Lait Macules Birthmarks?

CALM or cafe au lait macules are common birthmarks occurring at birth. Some may be delayed (tardive birthmarks). These lesions may darken with sun exposure. The colour is uniformly brown, which contrasts with speckled naevi. The latter contains tiny dots of junctional & compound moles.

Most CALM birthmarks are not associated with any system abnormalities. A minority may be associated with NF1, NF2, & Mc Cune Albright syndrome.

How do I manage CALM birthmarks?

Most patients with Cafe Au Lait marks do not require or seek treatment. The exception is when these birthmarks occur on the face or neck. I normally treat people when they are bothered by them, usually around the teenage years.

What types of lasers can be used to treat CALM & brown birthmarks?

My preferred lasers are nano or pico lasers. They include Picoway, Picosure (not enough energy), C6, Revlite, Pastelle & Spectra lasers. IPL or intense pulse light can treat CALM using the pigment wavelength. I don’t like using it because it has too much collateral damage. Additionally, IPL is not covered under Medicare.

Is laser treatment painful?

Yes, it hurts a lot. But there are ways to reduce the pain. I use a combination of cooling, numbing cream, injections & laughing gas. This make treatments easy & super-fast. It takes only a minute or two to treat the average CALM.

Davin’s Viewpoint; CALM birthmark treatment

CALM birthmarks are easy to treat. Even older nano lasers can give outstanding results. Speckled nevi are much harder to treat, whilst Becker nevus are almost impossible to treat. There are over 150 different types of birthmarks, a diagnosis is required as this confers prognosis following lasers.

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