Eye Bags Treatments; At A Glance
- Best Results1-2 sessions
- Treatment RecoveryFast
- Procedure Time10 to 45 min
- Skin SpecialistDavin Lim
- Duration of ResultsVariable
- AnaestheticNumbing
- Back to WorkImmediately
- Cost$$-$$$
Eye Bags Treatment
Under eye bags are often associated with dark circles. Simple treatments include skin tightening & dermal fillers. If one addresses the cause/s of the pathology, the results are predictable. Skin laxity can be treated with lasers & energy devices. Eye creams offer marginal benefits.
FactsFacts on Eye Bags Treatment
- Prominent under eye bags are common concerns seen in young adults
- Eye bags are often genetic, many patients have a family history
- These are more commonly encountered in ethnic patients
- Eye bags worsen over time due to volume loss & laxity
- Treatment with dermal fillers provide the best outcomes
- Some cases of fat herniation are treated surgically
What causes eye bags?
There are many causes of eye bags including genetics modified by chronological ageing. In most cases there is a family history of eye bags, or an ethnic prevalence (Indians, Sri Lankans, Middle Eastern).
There is an age related decline of collagen starting the mid 20s, hence weakening of the supporting tissue surrounding the eyes. The space below your eyes can also accumulate fluid, hence contributing to the appearance of puffy eyes. Other contributing factors include:
- Fluid retention including salty foods.
- Lack of sleep
- Allergies
- Skin irritation- atopic dermatitis, eczema, contact dermatitis
- Smoking & poor circulation
- Age related volume loss surrounding the eye area
- Strong under eye muscles (orbicularis oculi hypertrophy)
How can dermal fillers treat eye bags?
Hyaluronic acid fillers can improve eye bags by hiding them. Fillers are not placed in the bags, but in the surrounding tissue. They work by volume replacement. Think of under eye bags as mounds. Fillers hide the surrounding valleys, reducing the appearance of mounds.
Ideally I fill in 2 sessions as fillers can take up water over time. The first session addresses volumetric changes of the surrounding area. The second session (2-12 weeks later), addresses shadows & contours. The volume I use range from 1.5 to 3.5 ml, depending on the clinical features.
How can dermal fillers cause eye bags?
Dermal fillers can improve eye bags, however if placed incorrectly they can actually cause eye bags. This can be associated with Tyndall (blue colour) due to superficial placement, or with filler migration.
Hyaluronic acid has the potential to hold over 1,000 times its weight in water. Hence if a filler has a concentration of 15 mg/ml & if one ml was injected, HAs can hold 15,000mg or 15 grams of water, essentially 3 teaspoons of water. Imagine that under your eye. Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that can dissolve filler, most people will require 2 or more sessions in this area.

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Can fat transfer help?
Yes, fat transfer can be effective in some. I prefer to use dermal fillers over nanofat. Why? Because fillers achieve predictable results with more finesse in this area. I do employ fat transfer for larger volume deficits such as atrophic scars.
Can dark circles & under eye bags be related?
Dark circles are often associated with prominent eye bags. Often there are many contributing factors including contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, constitutional pigmentation, anatomical tear troughs, prominent muscles of the orbit & volume loss of the mid-medial cheek.

The treatment algorithm for managing dark circles is extremely complex. A targeted approach is best, depending on the underlying pathology. I employ pico, nano & fractional lasers, dermal fillers, neurotoxin, topicals & energy devices according to the pathology.

Yeah, lighting not quite perfect, by you get the picture😁
👍🏻☄️Device: Tixel, B+A courtesy of Jean at Cutis Dermatology
🧐What is it?: short contact heating via titanium pins
👉How does it work?: Collagen stimulation via heat
👁What is it really good at?: Eyes
👍🏻What else can it do?: Lots. Improve skin quality, treat early acne scars, stretch marks & even aid in transepidermal delivery of Botox & other ‘ingredients’
🙄How many sessions?: 2-4
📚More at NSS in 3 weeks time. The company is running a masterclass, my team & I will present our settings & indications. See ya all there💯
😎Davin Lim
Cutis Dermatology🇦🇺
#tixel #tixeleyes #tixeltreatment #eyerejuvenation #eyes #wrinkletreatment #eyewrinkles
Wrinkles treated with-
🔫Erbium + Co2 one session, fully ablative & fractional respectively
💉Dermal filler: 0.5 ml each side
📆10 day recovery following laser
😎Dr Davin Lim
#wrinkles #wrinkleremoval #laserresurfacing #eyerejuvenation #skinrejuvenation #fractionallaser #laserejuv #drdavinlim #brisbanedermatologist
Love these type of jobs, combining lasers 🔫& blades🔪
👀👍🏻Eye rejuvenation: In this patient; upper surgical blepharoplasty, lower lid laser using erbium & CO2. One session only, downtime of 8+days
😎Davin Lim
#eyes #eyerejuvenation #eyelaser #lasereyerejuvenation #drdavinlim #bleph
Just saw this patient last week, 3 years after her resurfacing procedure
👍🏻🔫Treatment: Ablative laser, with erbium & CO2. No injectables. One session, 9 day recovery
👉🔫Lasers: Improve skin quality, including laxity, wrinkles, pores & pigmentation. Upper eyelid resurfacing can buy a few years before a surgical blepharoplasty is considered
🎬Action: My nurse 👩⚕️Katie Matthew can give a similar outcome with hybrid laser resurfacing & dermal fillers/injectables. Realistically the results are about 80% of what super deep lasers or deep chemical peels can achieve, with half the downtime & costs
👉👀Other ways to improve this degree of laxity include medium to deep chemical peels, including phenol or Jessner TCA. I prefer the Jesser TCA, often with a fractional CO2 laser. Lower blepharoplasty can be considered, however in this patient the laterally based wrinkles may not be addressed with purely surgical intervention
😎Davin Lim
Brisbane 🇦🇺
#eyelidskin #eyerejuvenation #lasereyerejuvenation #lasers #laserdermatologist #drdavinlim #brisbanedermatologist #antiaging #hybridlasers #lasereyerejuvenation #blepharoplasty #jessnertca
Dark circles can be confusing. Hopefully this diagram will make it simple to understand
🔬Skin Science: It is more complicated than this as there are often multiple causes with overlaps of genetic, inflammatory, & age related causes. This is why there is NO one universal treatment for dark circles. The number of times I see patients post ‘microneedling PRP’ sometimes exceeds 3 cases a day. Minimum
🧑🏾🦲Pigment: Can be constitutional, that can be divided into racial, hereditary, & pigment demarcation lines, coupled with all the cases of PIH, add that acquired dermatosis & others
🩸Vascular: apart from big ass veins, increased vessels & changes in circulation can lead to dark circles
🕳Volume: Bone, fat, dermis. Apart from implants & Ca Oh wash, can’t do much for bone. Fat & dermis? Fillers over nano fat
👉Reality: Many cases are a mix above. Hence why I can not recommend an eye cream or a procedure until close examination. Working on v2 algorithm this week, as it will give some solutions for your dark circles
😎Davin Lim
#dermatology #dermatologist #melasma #skinscience #dermaltherapy #brisbanedermatologist #drdavinlim #davinlim #pigmentation #darkcircles #darkcirclestreatment #darkcirclescure #microneedling #tixel #prp #eyerejuvenation #eye #dermalfillers #hyaluronicacid #eyecream
How can muscle relaxants & anti wrinkle injections help?
Some cases of eye bags are due to overactive muscles under the eye (hypertrophic or hyperactive orbicularis oculi). This is more commonly seen in patients who squint. Simple muscle relaxing injections can help. Treatments are easy, affordable and often last 3-6 months.
How can lasers help?
Lasers can help improve eye bags by reducing skin laxity. In some cases, loose skin & resultant eye bags are secondary to collagen loss. Lasers can help rejuvenate & replenish loss collagen. Most cases do well with simple fractional lasers.
Fully ablative laser resurfacing is indicated for patients with marked laxity, sun damage, wrinkles or festoons.
What are other ways to tighten eyelid skin?
Eyelid skin can be tightened by other methods including HIFU & RF treatments. I prefer Tempsure RF for eye bags over HIFU (which I use occasionally off label for upper eyelid skin).

When is surgery indicated?
Eyelid skin can be tightened by other methods including HIFU & RF treatments. I prefer Tempsure RF for eye bags over HIFU (which I use occasionally off label for upper eyelid skin).
When is surgery indicated?
Surgical procedures may be indicated for some cases of under eye bags. This procedure is called a blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.
For under eye bags this is best performed by an eye surgeon as they make the incision in the lower eyelid (transconjunctival approach). Often a small amount of fat is removed. In some cases they can repurpose fat in other areas of the orbit.

I do perform upper eyelid surgery as the approach is from the skin, however I do believe that lower lid surgery is best approached from the conjunctiva as the risk of ectropion is lower.
When should you see an allergist or medical dermatologist?
An allergist is the doctor of choice if your eye bag skin is itchy, scaly, or sore. The correct treatment is not a skin directed procedure, but is a medical approach.
In most cases investigations such as RAST testing, & patch testing may be required. Common allergens include fragrance, nickel, metals, preservatives, & dye. This is performed by a medical dermatologist with a special interest in patch testing.
Do eye creams work, & what should I look for?
Creams have a marginal effect on eyebags. They are useful to treat eye bags secondary to skin irritation. Simple white soft paraffin can be helpful if your skin is inflamed. Other ingredients to consider include-
- Caffeine: can modulate blood flow & reduce congestion.
- Vitamin K: can reduce the appearance of eye bags.
- Hyaluronic acid: can provide dermal support & moisture.
- Peptides: can help build up collagen
- Argan: is anti-inflammatory & anti-aging.
- Retinol: can increase collagen & elastin.
- Arbutin: can reduce dark circles.
- Citric acid: is a gentle AHA used around the eyes.
- Ascorbic Acid: can provide brighter skin, reducing dark circles.
- Licorice extracts: can reduce pigmentation around the eyes.
High-end eye creams include TNS Eye Cream by Allergan, whilst Swisse produces an affordable product with Vitamin K, Caffeine & argan oil. I suggest you save your dollars & try the Swisse product.

What home remedies can be useful to treat eyebags?
Here are some DIY helpful hints to reduce eyebags. Try this before seeing me!
- Cut out all skincare products that may contribute to skin irritation. Commence on liquid paraffin eye ointment nightly.
- Use cool compresses, a clean towelette is more convenient than keeping cucumber slices.
- Reduce salt intake, reduce the amount of fluid intake before bedtime.
- Don’t smoke, poor circulation is one of the contributing factors for eyebags.
- Get enough sleep, try to sleep with your head slightly elevated.
- Reduce allergy symptoms that may cause you to rub your eyes. Consult your pharmacist for antihistamines. Failing that see an allergy specialist, or medical dermatologist.
Davin’s Viewpoint -Treating Eyebags
The treatment for this common complaint follows a highly complex analytical pathway. There are many contributing factors from genetics, through to anatomical deficits,age, smoking, allergens, & even diet.
In general creams don’t work. At best they give a marginal improvement if there are vascular or pigment causes. Light reflecting metal including titanium dioxide & ferrous oxides can disguise eye bags by reflecting visible light.
Fillers provide the best results. The technique of treating eye bags depends on the presentation. In most cases I build up the lid cheek junction & medial cheek. This disguises the eye bag itself. If there is associated skin laxity, I tighten then fill.
Medical conditions such as contact or irritant dermatitis can worsen eye bags. In some cases medical intervention & patch testing maybe required.