Hair Loss Guide; Self Diagnosis

  • Best Results4-8 months
  • Treatment Recovery0
  • Procedure Time2-3 minutes per day @home
  • Skin SpecialistYou, with help from us
  • Duration of ResultsDepends
  • AnaestheticNA
  • Back to WorkNA
  • Cost$

Hair Loss Guide; Self Diagnosis

Not all cases of hair loss require dermatological management. Telogen effluvium is most commonly seen in women. This is self-limiting. For males, the most common cause of hair loss is androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. Early & effective management can halt the progression of baldness in over 90% of cases. Be guided by your dermatologist.

FactsFacts on Hair Loss. How to self-diagnose?

  • Telogen hair fall is commonly seen after pregnancy
  • The most common cause of hair loss in adult males is patterned baldness
  • Most cases of acute hair loss will self-resolve 
  • Simple over the counter lotions & foams can slow down hair loss
  • Some cases of hair loss can be diagnosed by yourself with some simple prompts & detective work
  • Sensible home microneedling can stimulate hair growth 

How many strands of hair are normally shed in one day?

Between 100 to 150. The number is arbitrary as if you generate an equal number of new follicles your net loss will be zero. The flipside is that if you lose 25 a day, but don’t regenerate any new follicles, your net loss will be nearly 10,000 in just over a year.

Lesson number one- do not count strands of hair. For an objective measurement, take accurate photos of the hairline, temples, sides & top (crown).

How do you detect the early signs of balding in men?

Hair loss in men is often insidious. Early signs include thinning of the vertex (top), the frontal hairline & temples. Most but not all balding males will have a family history of hair loss. 

How to detect the signs of female pattern hair loss?

Female pattern hair loss is different from men. Hair loss can be from the top or vertex as well as thinning of the front, & or it can be diffuse (all over). One of the most common ways to detect hair loss is to measure the circumference of hair tied up in a ponytail. Another way to measure the extent of hair loss is to measure the diameter of your hair part. 

Hair loss in females is harder to diagnose compared to men. In many cases there are two conditions contributing to hair loss. For example, telogen effluvium or chronic TE coupled with patterned baldness.

What is a simple & effective way to treat hair loss at home?

It really depends on the diagnosis. For the most part, common causes of acute hair loss will self-resolve without any special treatment.

Male & female pattern baldness/hair loss can be managed with pharmacy sourced lotions & supplements.

Davin’s Viewpoint on Hair Loss & self-diagnosis

As with everything, common things occur commonly, & self-diagnosis is never 100% accurate (neither is a clinical diagnosis). As a disclaimer you should see a medical dermatologist for confirmation (or a real diagnosis, it is probably more accurate than most).

The hair loss industry is huge, many clinics & experts out there, with optimistic claims. The majority of hair loss lotions, pills & procedures can be purchased in a pharmacy for literally a fifth of the costs from chain clinics.  This includes lotions like minoxidil & supplements like biotin, B12, iron & folate. Safe microneedling can be done at the comfort of your own bathroom using 0.2 to 0.25 needles. They cost 4 to 5 dollars on eBay or Amazon.

Many cases of acute hair loss, namely telogen effluvium will self-resolve in 3-6 months. For complex cases, a medical dermatologist can shed some light, & in most cases treat accordingly.

Disclaimer: I am a procedural dermatologist. I do not get involved in medical management of hair loss disorders. For hair loss diagnosis, please book with one of my colleagues at Clinic Cutis.

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