Lip Fillers

Lip Fillers, At A Glance

  • Best Results1 session
  • Treatment RecoveryImmediate (swelling 2-8 d)
  • Procedure Time20 minutes
  • Skin SpecialistNurse Injector
  • Duration of Results6 - 12+months
  • AnaestheticBlocks & numbing
  • Back to WorkSame day
  • Cost $

Lip Fillers

Lips are pivotal when it comes to facial aesthetics. They can be enhanced in younger patients with optimal proportions, whilst more mature lips can benefit from volume replacement. Different dermal fillers and techniques are used, depending on the clinical findings.

FactsFacts on lip fillers

  • Lip rejuvenation & shaping involve both volume & lip definition
  • Proportions, structure & volume are important aspects to consider
  • As a guide, younger patients require only 0.5 to 1ml of hyaluronic acid filler
  • More mature lips can often take up to 2ml of dermal filler
  • Mature lips will benefit from support to the lip area over actual lip injections
  • Treatments are well tolerated as anaesthetic is used during the procedure
  • Duration of results are range from 6 to 12+ months

What can we improve with lip dermal fillers?

Size; can be improved in both genetically underdeveloped lips as well as ageing lips. This is known as volumetric dermal filling.

Definition; is super important, as this highlights the margins of the lips, also known as the vermillion border. Fillers can also highlight the midline columns of the lips, known as the philtrum.

Proportion is the ratio of the upper lip height compared to the lower. Aesthetically pleasing lips have an upper to lower ratio of 1 is to 1.68, namely the lower lip is higher compared to the upper lip. This ratio is not set in stone & depends on cultural as well as racial perceptions. 

Support of the upper and lower lip is essential, especially in mature patients. Over time, there is a loss of bone, fat & collagen. This results in hollowing & laxity surrounding the perioral (mouth area). Support of this region can be achieved with hyaluronic acid as well as collagen stimulating dermal fillers. Lasers, threads & skin tightening devices can reduce wrinkles & laxity in this area.

What types of dermal fillers are used for lips?

The Hyaluronic Acid family of dermal fillers are most widely used for lip rejuvenation. Within this family there are soft fillers as well as ‘structural fillers.’ The latter is used for more mature patients, whilst soft fillers are better for younger patients with good existing support. Hyaluronic acid fillers are also reversible.

For more mature patients, I also perform collagen stimulating fillers, especially for the treatment of upper lip lines & wrinkles; colloquially known as ‘smoker’s lines’ or barcode lines. This type of filler is not recommended for younger patients.

What lip shape is the most attractive?

The most important concept to grasp is ‘what is the most natural lip shape for your facial features?’ Lips should not be the most defining part of the face, & they should be age appropriate. The ideal proportion is 1:1.68, upper vs lower. This ratio is not set in stone, as some ethnicities, such as Asians, will have an ideal ratio of 1:1.

A guide as to lip rejuvenation over the ages, what filler is best?

Lips are so much more than the upper & lower volume. Lip shapes change over time, with both chronological ageing as well as trends.

As a guide; lips in the 20s to 30s: Concentrate on definition. Subtle rolled vermillion borders, good volume, but not OTT. Often 0.5 to 1.0 ml of hyaluronic acid dermal filler is advisable.

30s-40s; both volume & definition. Again, hyaluronic acid, with volumes ranging from 1.0 ml to 2.0 mls

50s+. Much more complex. Ensure underlying structures can support volume. Structural support often required for the upper lip area. This is where collagen stimulating fillers can be useful for some, but not all cases. Address wrinkles with lasers & or chemical peels. Lip borders are often blurred, hence one should work on definition. There may be underlying sun damage, especially for patients who live in Queensland. Lip filling in this age group has to match the more mature face. Never attempt to over volumize lips as this is obvious to all. 

Davin’s Viewpoint on Lips

I do think that the current trend of lip shaping is improving (albeit some Instagram personalities who are over the top). Dermal fillers have the ability to both VOLUMISE & DEFINE the lip. My advice is to go slow, as a guide, patients in the 20s should aim for 0.5 to 1.0 ml, namely ½ to one syringe only. As one ages, more VOLUME can be added.

For more mature lips (50s+), multiple factors come into play, namely lines and wrinkles above & below the lips as well as structural support. Laser, radiofrequency as well as collagen stimulating fillers can reduce lines in addition to providing support. Once again, it is important to pick a filler based upon the clinical presentation.

Disclaimer: My work focuses on more difficult jobs. This includes lip rejuvenation in more mature lips as this often requires a combination of surgical techniques (lip lift), ablative lasers, collagen stimulating fillers, & structural support of the oral area. For normal lip fillers, please see my nurse injectors.

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