Dual Laser Resurfacing

At A Glance, Dual Laser Resurfacing

  • Best Results1-2 sessions
  • Treatment Recovery4-6+ days
  • Procedure Time40 minutes
  • Skin SpecialistSpecialist laser nurse
  • Duration of Results5-10+years
  • AnaestheticNumbing + local blocks + sedation or gas
  • Back to Work4-7 days
  • Cost$$-$$$

Dual Laser Resurfacing

Dual Laser Resurfacing as the name suggests consists of two laser procedures, in the same wavelength. Think of this as HALO resurfacing with much better results. Dual resurfacing combines a superficial resurfacing procedure with a deeper collagen remodelling wavelength in the one sitting. This gives coverage up top to address sun spots, fine wrinkles, & pigmentation, whilst the deeper CO2 laser treats deep wrinkle & skin sagging below. This is the most cost-effective procedure to transform your skin’s age. The majority of patients will have a minus 10 year reset of their facial skin.

FactsFacts on Dual Laser Resurfacing

  • This treatment combines two of the best laser wavelengths, CO2 & 1927
  • Dual resurfacing can address sunspots, scars, pigmentation, wrinkles & photoaging
  • The majority of patients require only ONE treatment
  • Downtime can be tailored from 3 to 6 days
  • Expect to achieve up to10 years off your skin’s age
  • Results often last beyond 5 years with good post laser skin care
  • This combination treatment takes less than 25 minutes to perform
  • Pain is minimal as we use numbing gels & anaesthetic gas if required
  • This is a cost-effective procedure

What exactly is Dual Resurfacing?

This involves combining two suitable wavelengths for synergistic results. Combination treatment has been used by dermatologists for decades. At Clinic Cutis, the majority of our work involves combining different lasers & energy-based devices.

This form of fusion involves the mix of ablative & non-ablative wavelengths, much like HALO laser resurfacing, except much better. For this type of resurfacing, we use both CO2 fractional ablation coupled with a surfacing ‘polishing’ laser, of the wavelength,1927. The CO2 laser goes deeper into the epidermis, stimulating collagen, whilst the more superficial LaseMD treats pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles & enlarged pores. Unlike HALO, this form of resurfacing will require only one treatment (in the majority of cases).

Why is this much better than Fraxel Fractional Laser resurfacing?

I still utilize between 3 to 4 Fraxel devices at the practice, so don’t get me wrong, Fraxel is still a good laser, in particular the Fraxel Dual 1927 Thulium wavelength.

The thing with Fraxel is that this laser is protocol driven, meaning that the company focuses on selling multiple treatments over months to half a year. Here is how Fraxel works- settings are predetermined by the company (I actually helped formulate these settings in 2013 as part of my involvement within the Fraxel International Advisory Board). These settings will give results with a good safety margin requiring multiple sessions.  The question is – can we achieve better results with ONE treatment whilst maintaining safety? The answer lies in dual wavelength laser resurfacing.

This method uses the similar concept as Fraxel Dual or HALO laser. The difference between the systems is that I can deliver a higher density on-label with the LaseMD system, compared to Fraxel. High density means better coverage. This equates to much better outcomes. Secondly, I combine a CO2 fractional wavelength at a CONSERVATIVE setting. This wavelength can target wrinkles, laxity & collagen without the side effects that are frequently seen with fully ablative CO2 lasers.

As a guide, one sitting of Dual Resurfacing will give better results compared to 3 to 4 Fraxel procedures. This saves time, effort and costs for the patients.

Of course, if you really do want to go ahead with Fraxel, we do have at least 3 devices you can choose from, including the Fraxel 1550, 1927, Diode Clear & Brilliant.

How is this procedure different from HALO Hybrid Resurfacing?

HALO is a good device from Sciton Laser that combines two wavelengths of laser, namely erbium fractional & non ablative 1470nm fractional. This fusion of both wavelengths enables the laser to treat superficial & moderated depth concerns, with a predictable downtime. The problem I have with HALO is that the majority of patients requesting skin rejuvenation in Queensland will require 2-4 sessions for best results. The time, effort & expense associated with on label HALO does not suit the majority of patients.

I do have the capacity to replicate HALO settings as I use the same erbium fractional device from HALO Sciton, abelit a different non-ablative wavelength. Dialling the ProFractional laser to 1/15 maximal strength will equal the MAXIMAL erbium settings of HALO.

I do believe that the fusion of superficial 1927 Thulium & CO2 gives far superior results than HALO. Remember that the downtime can be dialled in as well, namely IF required we can provide a 24 to 48 hour recovery with lower density 1927 & CO2. In fact the recovery following CO2 with a low setting is less than moderate settings on the 1470 wavelength of HALO. It is not that HALO is a bad device, I firmly believe that other hybrid wavelengths give far superior results with equal if not less downtime, once again in the context of tuneable fractional lasers.

What skin concerns can laser resurfacing address?

At Clinic Cutis we use many lasers, often in a mix of wavelengths. This allows us to customise the procedure to the patient’s concern. This form of Hybrid Laser Resurfacing can address the following skin concerns-

Wrinkles & pigmentation: These concerns are the speciality of this form of laser resurfacing. Expect a good improvement in fine to medium depth static wrinkles, & an excellent improvement in pigmentation with only one session.

Sunspots, sun damage & pre-cancer: the 1927 NA LaseMD treats the majority of sunspots & precancerous solar keratosis with one treatment. Expect 80-95% improvement with the latter. This form of resurfacing is designed to efface the majority of actinic keratosis. In some cases, focused ‘spot treatments’ are required for stubborn lesions.

Eye wrinkles: This combination suits static wrinkles. We can treat the lower & upper eyelids, feathering to the sides. Majority of cases only require ONE treatment.

Upper lip lines & smoker’s lines: Expect a 40-60% improvement with deep wrinkles, more improvement with shallow to medium depth wrinkles with one session. Further improvement can be made with devices like Tixel & procedures including dermal fillers & muscle relaxants.

Enlarged pores: best for small to medium enlargement of skin pores. For larger pores secondary to acne, we combine TCA CROSS or TCA Paint.

Mild to moderate superficial acne scars: Shallow boxcar scars, pick, ice pick & pores will respond to this treatment. The number of sessions depends on the depth of scarring, your skin type & expectations. In some cases I combine TCA & or surgical subcision with lasers. In other cases I use RFM or radiofrequency microneedling.

Photo Aging including age spots, fine lines, solar elastosis can be treated this combination. One treatment with a recovery of 4-7 days is required in most cases.

For an understanding of what lasers or procedures are best suited for your skin type & concerns, book an appointment with my clinical team or myself.

Davin’s take on Dual Resurfacing

This combination of lasers, namely non-ablative 1927 & ablative CO2 fractional is probably the best fusion of lasers. Infinitely better than HALO erbium fractional & 1470 nm non-ablative wavelengths. Why is this better than HALO laser resurfacing? Firstly, the non-ablative 1927 gives less downtime compared to the erbium, secondly the use of sensible fractional CO2 laser goes deeper but also stimulates more collagen than the 1470 nm non-ablative wavelength of HALO. Downtime can be dialled in with the density of both CO2 & 1927. With HALO, patients often undertake 3-4 sessions over 6 months to get good results. With this Hybrid laser resurfacing procedure, only ONE session is required to get better results.

Cost saving. As this procedure is considered mild to moderate, patients will have a significant cost saving as Hybrid Laser is performed by my clinical nurses. Additionally, only one treatment is required in the majority of cases. This compares favourably with Fraxel & Sciton HALO which typically requires 3-4 sessions over half a year to get mediocre results.

Concept of balanced rejuvenation. Remember it is a balance between improving skin texture, tone & volume that gives the best results. Lasers improve skin texture and skin quality. Lasers can provide superficial derma tightening. Fillers volumize, which is important to achieve overall skin rejuvenation.

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