Neck Liposuction

Neck Liposuction At A Glance

  • Best Results1 treatment
  • Treatment Recovery3-7 days
  • Procedure Time40 min
  • Skin SpecialistDr Davin Lim
  • Duration of ResultsMany years
  • AnaestheticSedation & anesthesia
  • Back to Work4-7 days
  • Cost $$$-$$$$

Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction gives the most predictable results for double chins/ chin fat. Unlike fat-dissolving injections, Coolsculpting Mini, & Sculpsure, results from liposuction are better with less overall downtime compared to non-surgical reduction of fat.

FactsFacts on Neck Liposuction

  • This is a minimal surgical approach to remove under chin fat
  • It take 30 to 40 minutes to perform under light sedation
  • Results are immediate & predictable
  • Expect mild bruising for several days
  • In most cases skin quality (laxity) can also be treated
  • People with ‘pinchable’ under chin fat are ideal candidates
  • Other options include fat dissolving injections & Coolsculpting

What is involved in neck liposuction?

Neck Liposuction

As the name suggests, neck liposuction involves taking fat out of the under chin area. This procedure is very different compared to fat dissolving injections or Coolsculpting as these procedures rely on your immune system to remove & dissolve fat.

The results following liposuction are seen immediately after the procedure & are very predictable. In contrast, injections, cooling & heating fat will require several sessions & take up to 3 months to see results.

Neck liposuction is conducted under mild anaesthesia in an operating room. It takes approximately 40 minutes to perform the procedure.

Who are ideal candidates for neck liposuction?

If you have demonstrable pinchable fat, & maintain a steady weight, this procedure can give you an excellent & importantly a predictable outcome. The more under chin ‘pinchable’ fat you have, the better the outcome.

Who are unsuitable candidates for neck liposuction?

Patients with neck laxity with little or no under chin fat are not suited for liposuction. You must have a demonstrable amount of fat for liposuction to work. This phenotype will benefit from surgical neck lifting or thread lifting (pros & cons to be discussed with your plastic surgeon).

What other solutions do I provide for under chin fat- double chins?

Other treatments I perform for under chin fat include fat dissolving injections (trade name Kybella or Belkyra) as well as cryolipolysis or Coolsculpting.

Injections are useful for small pockets of fat under the chin. For significant ‘pinchable fat’ liposuction is far better, with less overall downtime & costs.

For patients who are risk adversed to surgery or injections, I also use Coolsculpting Mini for double chins. Skin tightening can be achieved with Pelleve – Tempsure, HIFU, as well as RF devices. For non-surgical options, book an obligation FREE consultation with my clinical team.

Davin’s Viewpoint on Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure with excellent & predictable results. It is my favored method of reducing under chin fat. The procedure has a downtime of only a few days, though bruising may take up to one week to recover. It compares favorably with fat dissolving injections like Kybella or Belkyra which has similar downtimes (but requires more treatments).

Though neck liposuction treats the adipocytes (removal of fat cells), it can also contract dermal collagen, resulting in improvement of skin laxity. Most often I compound this effect with RF or radiofrequency treatments with liposuction.

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