Acne Scars At A Glance
- Best Results1-6 treatments
- Treatment Recovery0-9 days
- Procedure Time15 to 90 min
- Skin SpecialistNurse, dermatologist
- Duration of ResultsYears+ to permanent
- AnaestheticNumbing to sedation
- Back to WorkImmediately- 7 days
- Cost$-$$$$
Acne Scar Treatments
Acne scarring is my specialty. My method of scar revision is aimed at treating each and every scar with the optimal treatment for that scar. Meticulous planning & mapping, together with angled photography provides a treatment plan for your scars. My point of difference is that I primarily use my hands, using lasers when appropriate.
FactsFacts on Acne Scar Treatments
- Acne scars, no matter how old or severe can be improved
- 3 factors determines treatments- skin type, scar type & downtime
- I use techniques such as subcision, deep peels, surgery, lasers & other energy devices
- Each type of scar will have an optimal treatment
- Matching scar types & skin types to scar treatment procedures is the key to success
- On average, 70-80% of acne scars can be improved with bespoke revision
- Medicare rebate apply to subcision & laser resurfacing procedures
How much improvement can I expect from our treatments?
Acne Scar Treatments
On average, patients will receive at least 70% global* improvement with a scar management program. Some patients with predominantly ice-pick & box car scars can expect up to 95% improvement.
Quantifying improvement by objective measurements is important. I prefer to use the ‘distance rule’ to gauge improvements. More on this topic later.
* What does global improvement mean? It means that taken as whole, the majority of scars will improve. It does not refer to that one specific scar you can see with a mirror held 20 cm from your face at a certain angle of lighting.
What makes my method of acne scar revision unique?
My method of scar revision is based solely on finding the optimal treatment for each scar. Often it is manual work, namely I use non-laser methods to treat scarring. I only use a laser or energy devices as it pertains to the scar type.
I photography & map each scar type. In the near future we will incorporate artificial intelligence software maps scars three dimensionally. This allows for accurate progress during your scar revision journey.
Most patients will have mixed scars, namely rolling scars, box scars, ice-pick and anchored scars. This means that multiple modalities are needed including surgery, peels, & in some cases lasers.
Each type of acne scar will have a best form of treatment associated with it. Our technique matches the treatment to the scar type.
Why are manual methods better than laser packages ?
Have you ever seen a carpenter make a table with only a hammer, or a dentist with only one drill, or a mechanic with only spanner? The same analogy applies to scar revision. In the context of what I do as a dermatologist, my work is 100% manual. I employ devices, lasers & instruments pertaining to the job.
As a guide, for severe rolling scars, my work is primarily surgical subcision. This entails mapping out areas, finding the level of scarring intra-operatively, & then applying instruments to treat those scars. Manual treatment of acne scaring is Gold Standard.

What severity of acne scars do I treat?
The majority of my work is focused on the treatment of objectively severe acne scars, or scars recalcitrant to previous treatments. Severe acne scars are defined as scars that can easily be seen at conversion distances by normal people & can not be adequately camouflaged with make up in women or beard hair in men. (Severity should not be gauged subjectively).
Severe scars can be categorised as medical treatments, & in most cases a Medicare rebate will apply. Having mild to moderate scars does not mean I will not treat you, it means that you may not get a Medicare rebate for your treatment.
For less severe scaring my team at Cutis Dermatology in Brisbane, or Clinic DVP in Sydney will be able to assist in fixing your skin, improving scars & skin texture.

View our Treatment Gallery
Does it mean that if I don’t have severe acne scars I can not get treatment?
My surgical & laser work is concentrated on the treatment of objective severe acne scars.
If you have subjectively significant & ‘severe’ scars, but objectively mild or insignificant scars (your family & friends can guide you), I will often refer you to my team of nurses & dermal therapist. They employ less invasive procedures that do not require theatre work.
* I do not have an interest in treating BDD or Body Dysmorphic Disorder. How to assess ? Can be difficult. If you only see scars that are visible with certain downlight at at certain angle with a mirror held at 10 to 30 cm, chances are you have BDD. In this case working with a dermatologist who has in interest in treating this problem will be beneficial. I have no interest in the field of BDD as this requires counselling – often with psychologists & psychiatrists. The last thing BDD patients require are invasive surgical operations.
What types of lasers do we use to treat acne scars?
I employ lasers or energy devices based upon the scar type, skin type & downtime of the patient. In cases that are applicable, the devices I use include-
- CO2 Fractional eCo2
- Erbium Sciton Profractional laser- this laser is excellent as both an ablative as well as a fractional laser. It is especially good for Ethnic skin and deep rolling and atrophic scars.
- Erbium Fully ablative laser
- CO2 CORE Fractional laser
- CO2 fully ablative laser Ultrapulse
- C02 Mixto Fractional laser
- V Beam vascular laser
- Tixel for early scars
- RF miconeedling with Potenza, Infini & Genius RF
- Picosure & Picoway lasers for brown pigment
- RF eMatrix RadioFrequency
- RF needling ePrime
- Fraxel laser (if I am really desperate & all other pieces of equipment are down)
In many cases I employ 2 or more devices if required.

What are fractional lasers and how do they work in acne scarring?
Fractional lasers include CO2, Profractional, Pico Fractional & Fraxel. They all work by treating ‘fractions of the skin’s surface’ using columns of laser, depending on the wavelength. The ‘fractions’, power, and depth can all be controlled by a laser specialist to deliver optimal results with minimal downtimes.
At Clinic Cutis we have over a dozen fractional lasers, depending on the job & skin color of the patient. My clinic in Sydney employs other fractional laser devices.

Is fractional resurfacing the best treatment for acne scars?
No. The ideal treatment depends on many factors including the type of scars, your skin type (ethnic origin) and your downtime. For superficial acne scars such as box car & shallow pick – icepick scars, lasers are appropriate adjunctive treatments.

When is TCA CROSS or Paint used for acne scars?
TCA CROSS stands for TriChloroAcetic Acid Chemical Reconstitution of Skin Scars. This technique was invented over a decade ago and still remains as one of the best methods to treat deep acne ice-pick scars, box car scars & enlarged skin pores. Most patients will require 2-4 treatments for best outcomes.
I apply TCA using methods such as tooth pick, syringe, brush & gauze delivery. In some cases I use phenol croton oil peels.

is useful for acne scars.
What is subcision?
This is a surgical procedure, designed to treat deep tethered acne scars. It is essentially key hole surgery of the face.
All scar revision specialists now perform cannula subcision as this is infinitely better than hypodermic needle ‘point’ subcision. This procedure is done under sedation. Subcision essentially breaks scar tissue from underneath. It is most useful for atrophic rolling scars, but can be used to treat icepick scars (the scars beneath the picks) as well as polymorphic acne scars.
In most cases I perform subcision along with other procedures such as TCA CROSS or laser resurfacing.

What is the role of fillers for treating acne scars?
Fillers are excellent for the treatment of atrophic & depressed acne scars. The advantage of fillers is that results are instant and downtime zero. Some patients will require 2-3 treatments for best results, other patients will require only one session.

How you respond depends on many factors including the depth, location of the scars, & whether depressed scars are tethered to underlying structures. In the majority of times, subcision is performed during the filling session.

I employ many types of dermal fillers including HA fillers & collagen stimulating fillers.
An important concept to understand is that all scar revision procedures rely on your immune system to repair & remodel collagen, in some cases adipose or fat tissue. If your immune system can not replenish collagen, you are left with 2 choices- fat transfer or dermal fillers. That’s it. Pros & cons of each to be discussed if this pertains to you.
What is the role of skin needling for acne scars?
Skin needling is an entry level treatment for acne scars. It gives modest improvements however It is especially useful for mild & early scars. Using a 0.1 to 0.25 mm derma roller at home can improve acne scars. As a guide-
Use a 256 to 512 Needle Derm Roller (from eBay)
Use every 2-4 weeks
Apply Differin Gel 3-5 days after each session
More on how to safely DIY scar revision treatments on my IG or @drdavinlim
How is RFM or radio frequency microneedling different?
Think of this as supercharged microneedling. This treatment uses insulated needles that deliver controlled heating of 67 degrees for a fraction of a second. Insulation of the needles provides protection to the upper parts of the skin.
RFM is much better than microneedling because HEAT is required for optimal remodelling of collagen. Lasers, HIFU, RF &. RF microneedling are termed ‘energy devices’ as they provide heat energy to the dermal layers of skin.
Do I ever use microneedling & PRP?
I did from 2014 to early 2017. I do not routinely PRP as I think it adds very little to the procedure, perhaps a marginal improvement in recovery time.
If you really want this procedure, book a consultation with my clinical nurse. The can add PRP to your treatment if you really want it.
Personally, I would rather do things that work, namely dermal fillers & or autologous fat transfer to select cases.
PRP, the do it all treatment
💯Great for: Joints, tendons, orthopedic applications
✔️😃Good for: hair loss including androgenetic alopecia
😏Marginal for: skin & wound healing
😩💩Really crap at: dark circles & acne scars. In this context it has marginal (if any) added benefits over that of the delivery system (usually microneedling). Dermal fillers give much better & more predictable results
😎Davin Lim
#acne #prp #vampirefacelifts #prptreatments #plateletrichplasma #skinrejuvenation #drdavinlim #brisbanedermatology #skin #dermatology
Why you should wear sunscreen in the car 🚙
This is a well known photograph published in a medical journal showing the effects of UV on the skin. This gentleman was a truck driver who drove on the correct side of the road, hence damage to the left side. This illustrates how UV damages collagen.
🔆 Most of my patients say ' I never see the sun' however incidental UV exposure accounts for their #skincondition . The most common cause of incidental UV exposure is commuting to work, or the school run. In Australia sun damage is worse on the right side, in the United States, it's the opposite side.
🧠 Skin science: Glass blocks UVB (responsible for #sunburn and #skincancer), with minimal attenuation of UVA. UVA goes deeper than UVB, and is responsible for #photoageing. UVA breaks down #collagen, leading to #wrinkles.
👨🏻⚕️Clinical implications: In the US, the left hand driver’s side of the face will show more photodamage, #skinpigmentation, & wrinkles compared to the right side- depending whether you are the driver or passenger. The opposite holds true for Australians and nations who drive on the opposite side of the road. Photosensitive skin conditions such as #rosacea and #melasma will favor the side with the more UV radiation.
🧴Recommended products: Sunscreen- #anthelios by #laroche posay. Physical sunscreens with zinc oxide/titanium dioxide. #invisiblezinc
💡Davin’s Protip: The first layer of protection should be the use of a high factor #sunscreen with both UVB and UVA coverage. If you live in a sunny climate, consider tinting your car windows with an #autotint which covers against UVA. One brand that offers a high UVA block is Llumar.
Conclusion? Consider reducing the amount of incidental UV exposure before spending $ on treatments. A simple #windowtint can make that difference.
Dr Davin Lim @cliniccutis Brisbane. Australia 🇦🇺
P.S If you drive a convertible, you’re screwed!
Simple classification of acne scars based upon Jacob, 2001 JAAD
🔬Skin Science: You gotta start with baseline classification however in real life scarring is not monomorphic, hence why we use many different treatment modalities in the same sitting
🥊Ice Pick scars: Can be treated with punch excision, TCA or phenol croton oil, laser to the walls can help
📦Box car scars can respond to TCA, microneedling & various lasers
🕳Rolling scars are best treated with subcision, #microneedling RF, microneedling as well as dermal fillers
🗻Hypertrophic scars are best treated with steroid or 5 FU injections, vascular lasers or low density ablative lasers
😎Dr Davin Lim
Brisbane Dermatologist🇦🇺
@drdavinlim @cliniccutis @the.formulated
#subcision #rollingscars #acnescars #acnescarrevision #acnescartreatment #acnescarremoval #acnescarcure #brisbanedermatologist #icepickscars #acnescarring #TCACROSS #acnescarlaser #davinlim #drdavinim #dermatologistbrisbane #co2laser #laserresufacing #acnetreatment #acnecure
Retinoids are a vitamin A derivative, and include retinol, tretinoin, retinyl palmitate, retinaldahyde, adapalene & tazarotene. Remember with ANY of these, your skin will become more sun sensitive, so twice daily minimum you need to be applying a UVB & UVB blocking sunscreen with the highest SPF you can find, ESPECIALLY if you live in Australia!
Dr Davin Lim @cliniccutis
#retinol #skincare #skinhacks #dermatologist #retinoids #tretinoin #lifehacks
Lasers can stimulate & remodel collagen. Outcomes are predictable
🔬Skin Science: The type of laser plays a role in the ability to stimulate collagen & improve skin texture/quality. In practice it is far more complex than the laser wavelength or the brand
👀👉Variables: Include wavelength, passes, density, power, pulse duration as well as the make of laser. Gentle methods include #dermaltoning or laser genesis using nano or vascular lasers. Pico lasers are great for fine wrinkles in darker - ethnic skin, non-ablative lasers are best in lighter skin types (high density mode), whilst ablative fractional can be used in most skin types (modulate density accordingly).
Fully ablative lasers are still the gold standard, however collagen stimulation is still second to deep phenol croton oil deeps. The downside of deep laser-peels are downtime & prolonged skin colour changes
💯🔫Hybrid lasers combine 2 wavelengths. This accounts for well over half the cases we do @cliniccutis. For maximal collagen remodelling we employ both fractional CO2 & 1927 thulium in lighter skin, & Pico lasers with low density CO2 in darker skin. Settings are different for each job. Mixing & matching wavelengths gives the best results
😎Dr Davin Lim
#dermatologist #dermatologistbrisbane #skinrejuvenation #laserresurfacing #skinscience #rejuvenation #davinlim #drdavinlim #antiaging #laserrejuvenation #picosure #dermaltoning #lasergenesis #picogenesis #picoway #fraxel #laseMD #clearandbrilliant
What is the role of fat transfer for acne scars?
Much like fillers, fat can provide volume. All scar revision procedures are aimed at stimulating your immune system to regenerate tissue. If you can not ‘fill up’ the hole (atrophic scars), you may require a helping hand. That is where fat comes in handy.
Micro & mili fat transfer can replaced tissue (dermal collagen & adipose tissue), destroyed by acne. Nano fat can improve skin quality.
Fat transfer is not a new procedure, it is just that in the past this treatment is not as predictable as it is today.
There are many pros & cons of this procedure, briefly-
- Pros- natural source of filler. If uptake occurs, last longer. No allergy issues.
- Cons- takes longer to perform. Only some patients are good candidates, initially more costly, up take of fat is not as predictable as dermal fillers.
What are biostimulation treatments & how do they work for acne scarring?
Biostimulation is a new method for treating acne scars from 2024. It involves injections of biomodulators & collagen stimulating injectables (not to be confused with dermal fillers).
Dermal fillers, as the name suggests, ‘fills’ a void or hole, in the case of acne scars, it address atrophic rolling scar tissue, devoid of collagen & fat.
Biostimulants on the other hand work slower. They up regulate your immune system to produce collagen, hence they often take longer to see results. They upside? In theory they may last longer than dermal fillers as the collagen you generate is yours to keep.
The downside? Some individuals may not generate collagen efficiently as this process relies on your immune systems ability to provide Neocollagenesis.
How do I choose what biostimulatory injectables to use?
It is complex as factors such as facial volume, atrophic scar volume, acne scar location, age, treatment history & expectations come into play. Here is some insight as to the logic of selection.
Large volume defects/atrophic scars: PLLA, PDLLA, or calcium hydroxyapatite.
Medium volume defects: As above with option for hybrid hyaluronic acid biostimulants (Profhilo).
Small atrophic scars: HA hybrid & or polynucleotide injectables.
How many sessions of biostimulatory injectables will I need?
2-4 over a period of 2-8 months. The exact number depends on factors such as-
- Your ability to generate collagen, as this treatment relies on your immune function
- The size of the scar (atrophic volume). Bigger the defect, the more sessions required.
- Your age. As you age you lose collagen at around 1.5% per year starting from your early 20s.
- Your dermal thickness. Thicker skin means more support & more cells to stimulate.
- Your facial shape & volume
- Your end goals & expectations. Hint: keep it real.
What is the role of stem cells in the management of acne scars?
Still undecided on this one, however the prospects look promising. Stem cell can be harvested from fat, as the concentration contains 500 times the convention of stems compared to bone marrow. The science sounds promising, however the main problem with fat is the unpredictability of absorption. New harvesting methods in 2021 – 2022 will be promising. I will keep you up to date in the Blog section.
When do I perform surgery for acne scars?
Surgery has a defined role in the treatment of acne scars this includes-
- Punch excision for very deep acne scars
- Subcision for tethered and anchored scars
- Excision for linear scars and bridging scars
- Surgical elevation for broad scars

Suitable scar types include ice pick scars, broad box car scars & bound down scarring. Surgical procedures are often combined with lasers & deep peels.
As per Medicare requirements, I perform all surgical procedures.
What is the role of RadioFrequency in the treatment of scars?
Radiofrequency or RF is an excellent treatment for early acne scars, & scarring associated with active acne. In the past I used eMatrix. Cutis still has this device, however I have replaced this with better equipment (eMatrix is over a decade old). This includes-
Infini (replaced with Genius RFM), Genius RFM, Potenza RFM (latest) as well as Secret RFM in Sydney.
RF Microneedling can also be an excellent treatment modality for established scars in all skin types. As it uses heat generated by radiowaves and not laser light, the incidence of post-treatment skin darkening is very low. In summary RF microneedling–
- Downtime of 1-3 days
- Requires 3-5 sessions over 4-6 months
- Best for rolling atrophic scars
- Can be combined with subcision & injectables such as dermal fillers or biostimulatory injectables
- Is safe in all skin types
Why does age matter?
Age matters because over time the structural support of the face decreases. As time goes by, your supporting fat pads diminish in size & volume, coupled with downward migration (heaviness & jowls).
What it means is that the supporting structures for the skin decrease with age. This is why it is important to treat both age related changes & acne scars.
Age related volume loss can only be reliably treated by one of two ways- facial dermal fillers or fat transfer. Lasers & energy devices do not replace facial volume.
If you have age related changes, it is vitally important to support your skin’s dermal layer. Fillers last 2 to 4 years. They are not permanent. I do not have a permanent solution to stop ageing. Fat transfer last longer.
Can I undertake scar treatments if I still have acne?
Yes, in fact this is the best time to undertake scar revision. Early acne scars remodel better than old acne scars. There has been a paradigm shift in managing acne scars as early as possible.
Fractional lasers, RFM & focal peels can be used for patients on Accutane- Roaccutane.

Who do I see for some advice on acne or acne scars?
If you have active acne, you should see a medical dermatologist at Clinic Cutis. Mild to moderate cases are managed by our clinical nurses & therapist. This is a good starting point if you are after non-drug treatments such as peels, LLEDs, phototherapy & good skin care advice.

Mild to moderate acne scars are treated by my team of nurses. They have had extensive training over many years in most of the techniques I employ- essentially everything I do, bar deep fully ablative lasers & surgery. Nurses are well versed in the use of deep focal TCA peels, as well as over a dozen lasers that are indicated for acne scars.
Book a free consolation with my nursing team for acne scar treatments. This avenue is suitable for patients on a budget, & or mild to moderate acne scars.
My work focuses on the management of severe scars (objective not subjective).
What is the cost of acne scar revision?
Acne scar revision is a highly complex procedure with many combinations.
Additionally the amount of sessions are variable, ranging from 1 to 5. This depends on the scar severity, your skin type, downtime & expectations.
A quote will be provided at the time of the consultation. In most cases, a Medicare rebate will apply (surgical procedures).
Another avenue to consult my nursing team. My procedural nurses are extensively trained in my field craft of revision. They are a good starting point for most patients with early & or mild to moderate scars. As a guide-
Fractional Fraxel – CO2 – Erbium – RF Microneedling: Starts from $690
V Beam Prima- Perfecta & Pico Lasers: Starts from $290
Microneedling +/- PRP: Starts from $390
Tixel Fractional Resurfacing: Starts from $290
TCA Paint/Cross: Ranges from $190 to $690 (by my nurses)
Combination treatments: Ranges from $490 to $1190, visit for more on our clinic packages for acne scars.
Medicare provides a partial rebate for scar revision on the face by a Specialist, however treatments such as Fraxel and Fractional resurfacing are NOT covered.
The above prices reflect what my nurses & clinical team charge.
Davin’s Viewpoint On Acne Scar Treatments
Acne scarring is one of the most common procedures I perform. My work is primarily aimed at sorting out severe scarring, however my team of nurses help me with mild to moderate scars. An affordable, yet highly effective avenue for scar revision is our acne scar revision series at Cutis Dermatology in Brisbane. A similar scar series treatment is offered in Sydney (from 2024) at our clinic.
How I differ is that most of my work is done by hand, with simple instruments like a brush & a cannula. I do however employ many lasers if the scars lend themselves to energy devices.
Most patients will have multiple scar types, including box car scars, ice pick scars, & rolling scars. Each subtype of scarring will have an optimal treatment. Not all scars respond to lasers- some scars such as ice pick scars respond nicely to TCA CROSS, whilst scars such as atrophic ones respond to filler & surgical subcsion.
An individually based method of scar removal will give the best outcomes- assessing scar type, skin type and downtime gives the balance that is needed. Patients must have realistic expectations. In some patients 90-95% improvement is possible, however in difficult cases, I can only achieve 70 to 85% global improvement.
A new way of approaching acne scar revision is a concept called biostimulation or bioremodelling. This can be done as a primary way of treatment for rolling atrophic scars, as adjunctive therapy to treatments such as TCA Paint, laser resurfacing, RF microneedling or subcision, or at the very end of treatment to ‘mop up’ residual or resistant scars. Bioremodelling relies on the injection of a biostimulant, an agent that up-regulates your immune system to produce collagen in turn filling the void of atrophic scarring.
The pros of biostimulatory injections include-
- Quick procedure with no downtime
- Produces collagen over time, most scars improve with time
- Address age related volume loss
- Provides improvement in skin laxity, volume & luminosity (skin quality)
- Can be safely used in all skin types
- Augments & potentiates the effects of lasers & other scar directed treatments
- Has a long safety record & is TGA, FDA & CE approved in Australia, US, Asia & Europe
The cons of biostimultory injections include-
- Takes time to work (often best at 4-8 months post injection)
- Requires 2-4 sessions for optimal results
- Requires an efficient immune system for best results (variable individually)
- Has no Medicare rebate (unlike surgical subcision or fully ablative laser resurfacing)
- Requires skill to select the best biostimulatory injectable, depend on many factors
- May have a finite lifespan (5 to 10 year results still pending)

Acne scar treatments in Sydney will be commencing in 2024. Simple non-surgical modalities such as RF microneedling, fractional laser resurfacing, dermal fillers & biostimulatory injectables will be performed in clinic at Woolahra, whilst surgical subcision & fully ablative work will be performed in a private hospital with theatre facilities in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney. Stay tuned for more updates.