Lip Rejuvenation Treatments

Lip Rejuvenation Treatments At A Glance

  • Best Results1-3 sessions
  • Treatment RecoveryVariable
  • Procedure Time10- 60 minutes
  • Skin SpecialistDermatologist, Nurse Injector
  • Duration of Results12 months to years++
  • AnaestheticNumbing, blocks
  • Back to WorkVariable
  • Cost$ to $$$

Lip Rejuvenation Treatments

Smoker’s lines, bar code lines, & upper lip wrinkles are all terms to describe premature crinkles & wrinkles affecting the upper lip of females. Not all cases are due to smoking, however, all cases can be improved with lasers, energy devices & dermal fillers. Skin care including retinol, vitamin C & antioxidants can protect & preserve collagen.

FactsFacts on Upper Lip Rejuvenation

  • The most effective treatment for wrinkles at rest is ablative laser resurfacing
  • Dermal fillers can reduce both dynamic wrinkles & static wrinkles
  • Muscle relaxant injections are effective for dynamic wrinkles
  • Chemical peels can improve moderate to severe wrinkles
  • Threads can reduce mild to moderate wrinkles
  • Good & precise skin care can prevent wrinkles

What can be done to Lip Rejuvenation Treatments?

Lip rejuvenation goes far beyond dermal fillers. Fillers can give more volume to thin lips however in the more mature patient, there are other factors to consider including-

  • Skin quality of the upper lip area. This refers to lines, wrinkles, and sunspots.
  • Skin quality of the lower lip to the chin area, especially static wrinkles.
  • Age-related changes in the ratio of lip to nose height. Over time there is an inversion of the upper lip. This means there is the descent of the upper lip & elongation. This affects the ideal ratio of the lip to nose area & hides the upper teeth.
  • Structural support of the perioral area (mouth area). This involves the underlying tissue surrounding the lip itself.
  • Pre-cancerous changes of the lip itself, especially in smokers or those who have had a lot of UV exposure.

Depending on the clinical findings, I employ lasers, filler, injection, surgical, peeling, thread & energy-based modalities to rejuvenate the lip area.

Finding a solution for the aging-mature lip is super-important. It is not just about dermal filling, nor is a laser procedure the best option.

Lip Rejuvenation Treatments
It is much more complex than just filler. Static lines respond well to deep peels or lasers. Injectables can modulate dynamic wrinkling. The surgical approach will correct the lip ratio, & provide a natural (slight) upturning of the upper lip, bringing the whole area into proportion.

Why do I get smoker’s lines if I don’t smoke?

Smoker’s lines can often present in non-smokers. Factors contributing to lines include-

  • Sun exposure, as UVR breaks down dermal collagen.
  • Age, as there is a decline in collagen & elastin; the building blocks of skin.
  • Female gender, as dermal thickness is reduced compared to men.
  • Smoking; as this accelerates skin ageing
  • Movement; this is a controversial one as it has been proposed that dynamic wrinkles occur more frequently in females due to the fact that females, on average talk more than males. Don’t shoot the messenger, I am only quoting studies.
MicroTox can reduce dynamic movement, in turn preventing dynamic lines transforming to static lines & wrinkles.

What is the meaning of ‘age-appropriate lip rejuvenation?’

Ever seen perky breasts on a seventy old woman? Looks odd, so don’t do the same for the lips. When I rejuvenate the perioral area (lips & surrounding skin), I am careful to rejuvenate, & not try to replicate youthful lips (full of volume & definition).

It is important to assess the structural support prior to injecting. Apart from volume, lips require a good frame, namely rejuvenation of the skin on the upper & lower lips. With age, there is downward descent of the lips, with an increased distance from the border of the lip to the nasal spine. All these factors have to be taken into consideration to provide natural rejuvenation. Overdone lips are obvious.

Lip rejuvenation is more than just aesthetics. In Queensland, the majority of people over the age of 50 will have a condition known as ‘actinic cheilitis’ or sun-spots on the vermillion border of the lips. This presents as stingy, dry, & cracked lips. Often the first signs are ‘smudging’ & running of lipstick. Lasers can resurface this precancerous condition.

How can lasers help with lip wrinkles?

Lasers stimulate collagen production. The application of controlled thermal damage (laser resurfacing) stimulates wound repair. This in turn produces collagen, elastin & ground substance. The result? Less wrinkles, better skin texture & quality.

Results from resurfacing are predictable. The downside? Recovery of 10+ days.

Lasers can be delivered in fractional applications, meaning a fraction of the skin is treated. Lasers can also be delivered in fully ablative mode, meaning the entire surface of the skin is treated to a predetermined depth.

As a guide-

  • Mild wrinkles, early wrinkles, preventive treatments: Include fractional lasers such as Clear & Brilliant, 1927 Fraxel, LaseMD Ultra, low energy CO2 laser, fractional erbium lasers, Tixel, RF, eMatrix, Genius RF. Cost: $-$$ Recovery 1-4 days.
  • Moderate Wrinkles: High density fractional lasers, 1927 & low density CO2 lasers, combination lasers. Cost $$ Recovery 4-5 days.
  • Severe Wrinkles: CO2 lasers, Erbium laser, combination lasers. Cost: $$-$$$ Recovery 5-9 days.


Davin’s take on lip rejuvenation

Living in Brisbane, Queensland, I see an immense amount of sun damage. Lip rejuvenation is one of the most common problems facing women over the age of 50! Contrary to popular belief, the majority of smoker’s lines are sun related, namely UV breakdown of collagen & elastin. Ablative lasers & deep chemical peels provide the most dramatic results, albeit a downtime of 8-10 days. Dermal fillers can provide good, natural results with minimal downtime, however they will require a top up every 12 to 18 months.

It is important to consider the rest of the ageing process & facial structures when treating the lips. Lip rejuvenation should always be age appropriate as there is nothing more unnatural than 20 year old lips on a 50-60 year old. Natural never goes out of fashion.

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