- Best ResultsVariable
- Treatment Recovery2-12 weeks
- Procedure Time3 minutes
- Skin SpecialistShaz the naturopath
- Duration of ResultsVariable
- AnaestheticNo brain, no pain
- Back to WorkIf you live
- Cost$
Cansema / black salve For Sunspots
Cansema or blacksalve is derived from the blood root plant. This natural skin cancer remedy is commonly used to treat sun damage and skin cancer. It works by destroying skin cancer cells in the skin and is widely available on the internet. Some forms of skin cancer are safer to treat than others. Dermatologist, Dr Davin Lim will guide you as to the evidence of cansema & black salve treatments & discuss the use of natural remedies to treat skin cancer & sun damage.
FactsFacts on Cansema-Black Salve
- Cansema or black salve is a naturally sourced topical derived from a plant
- It works by collaterally killing of all skin cells including tumour & normal skin
- Some forms of skin cancer respond better to natural remedies compared to others
- Clearance & cure rates from cansema is unknown as there have not been controlled studies
- Clearance rates are proportional to application time & collateral destruction of normal tissue
- This in turn is proportional to the amount of scarring
What is the science behind cansema or black salve treatment?
This treatment is termed escharotic in nature, meaning one big scab formation secondary to immense skin irritation & inflammation. Some skin cancers can be cured with immense collateral damage.
What is contained in prepacked Cansema?
The source of Cansema will vary, & hence the active ingredients. Some formulations include zinc chloride, glycerin, botanicals & preservatives (kind or contradictory for natural remedies). For more product information contact the company that sells Cansema.
What are other natural remedies for skin cancer?
There are many sensible alternatives to Cansema. The aim of any cancer treatment is to remove the cancer & follow up for recurrence. If you are keen on only ‘natural’ remedies, possibly seeing a skin cancer GP or a dermatologist for a diagnosis would be great! They can guide you as to the type of skin cancer. From there you can do your own research on the aggression of the tumor you aim to treat & make an informed decision from there.
Nitrogen is natural. It is found in the atmosphere. Lowering the temperature will give liquid nitrogen. A skin cancer GP or dermatologist will have this natural gas in its liquid state. Contemplate natural nitrogen gas as an alternative.

How can natural salt be used to treat skin cancer?
What is dermabrasion? This is a sander. You may find someone who still practices salt- abrasion. This is painful, you can take some natural cannabis if this is legal in your state to help you get through this process. Someone can rub coarse salt on the cancer until an appropriate level is reached. Follow up with a biopsy.

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How can fire, a naturally occurring phenomenon, cure cancer?
Fire is also natural, consider diathermy. This uses heat to destroy the cancer. In summary, there are many natural ways to help fight cancer, ideally a pre & post biopsy is best. Identifying the type of cancer prior to treatment with cansema will also give you time to sort out your will.
For example, treating aggressive melanoma or Merkel cell carcinoma with Cansema -Black Salve may give you 2-4 months before probable metastatic spread. Sorting your will early will improve your quality of life towards the later stages of terminal metastatic cancer.
Lasers? Laser is natural light, concentrated to a beam. In the context of cancer, they target water in the skin. Lasers can treat superficial cancers including sunspots, IEC, & superficial BCCs. Lasers are not indicated for deeper or more aggressive forms of skin cancer as the rate of clearance is low, & the chances of metastatic spread is high.
How would I know if Cansema has worked?
Your supervising naturopathic skin cancer expert can guide you. If you have any concerns, seek a second option from a skin cancer GP or your dermatologist. In some cases, they may advise you on a biopsy.
In other cases, they may suggest a PET scan, MRI, Ultrasound or a CT scan to see how far the partially treated cancer has spread in your body.
If you have palpable lymph nodes during your cansema treatment, it may be a reactive immunological process, or invasive cancer spreading from the original site. Check with your naturopath as to the type of imaging or sentinel node biopsies that they prefer.

Jessner TCA peel, one session
👉This is a medium depth peel. Occasionally I prep with retinoic acid beforehand, but thin skin like this patient, RA is not needed. I scrub with acetone, then coat with 2-4 layers of Jesser. I then have a cup of coffee then come back to finish off with TCA at 35%
😁Was having a friendly banter with my mentor & close friend @aprofphilipbekhor last night. Peels vs lasers. Why do I like peels? My chill out time. No loud noises apart from the patient's muffled screams 😱😱(joking). Despite the tech of lasers, I still like looking carefully at end points from peels. It is tactile, much like driving a manual car vs an automatic. Sure the latter is easier, but sometimes it’s the challenge to get the downshift perfectly matched, or the epidermis so evenly gray that the entire sheet slides from the dermis. It’s old school cool
👊🏻Disclaimer: You do need to watch your peel patients more closely cf. NA laser patients, that is fact💯
😎Davin Lim
#tca #jessner #jessnertca #chemicalpeels #dermatologist #dermatology #drdavinlim #skinrejuvenation
TCA peels are a simple way to rejuvenate skin. This picture is over a decade old, but I still enjoy peels over lasers (more tactile). It’ much like driving a older vintage car, it’s slower to get to your destination but the drive is more enjoyable🚘
🔬Skin science: TCA can be applied as a superficial, medium (most common) & deep peel. In this case I employed it as a medium depth peel, to the upper papillary dermis. In some cases I combine it with Jessner for deeper penetration
👉Downtime: 5- 8 days depending on the strength and coats
😢Pain: Tolerable with topical application of numbing and skin cooling. I do give oral conscious sedation if deeper peeling
👍🏻Good for: Skin type 1-2+, pigment, freckles, sun damage, solar keratosis, mild to moderate wrinkles, lentigos/ age spots
👎🏼Not good for: Darker skin, deep wrinkles, melasma
😎Davin Lim
#chemcialpeels #TCApeel #jessner #jessnerTCA #skinrejuvenation #skinlightening #skinbrightening #davinlim #dermatology #skinscience
What types of skin cancer can be treated with Cansema or Black Slave?
If you must, the ‘safest’ skin cancer to treat with Cansema is a superficial BCC, preferably located on the arm, or trunk. This has the least potential to spread, additionally the least potential to involve nerves (perineural invasion).
Incompletely treated invasive cancers on the head & neck can invade nerves. The earliest signs of nerve invasion include tingling, paresthesia & ‘electric shocks.’
Once in the brain, you may experience some minor inconvenience in your life– examples include uncontrollable fitting, tremors, collapse, & memory loss. This should not be confused with the side effects of medicinal cannabis you may be taking for the terminal pain associated with the spread of the cancer you attempted to treat with Cansema.
Skin cancers that should not be played around with include-
- SCC or squamous cell cancers
- BCCs other than superficial
- Melanomas
- Atypical skin cancers
How do you prepare Black Salve / Cansema?
Follow the instructions on the packaging. Most black slave products contain emulsifying agents, hence the need to mix or stir before application. Use a toothpick or the end of a cotton bud. Most formulations will turn from black to dark green after 30 seconds of mixing. Formulations differ, hence follow the instructions.
Disclaimer: My role is not to discredit nor advocate cansema use. For my balanced viewpoint, read the paragraph at the end of this page.
How do you apply Cansema?
Black salve can be applied with a fingertip application, remember to wash your hands before & after application (make sure you don’t touch your genitals or another person’s genitals with cansema).
Apply the product with a 5 to 7 mm clinical margin on the lesion in question. Ideally a biopsy should be taken beforehand. A skin cancer GP can do this for you.
What to expect after the Cansema application?
Application of Cansema is followed by tingling of the treated area. This may last a few hours. Typically, after 24 hours, Cansema is removed, then reapplied as above. Be guided by your holistic skin cancer expert.
How do you deal with any pain associated with a Cansema application?
Most patients will experience mild pain & stinging. A minority will experience pain. If you experience pain, Panadol or Nurofen may be taken (sort of hypocritical to take these medications when you are contemplating a natural remedy).
In this case, if you live in an area where medicinal cannabis is legal you may inhale some Mary Jane, inhale a reefer, smoke some blunt, buds, stinkweed, hay, pot, weed, grass, rope, gangster, boom, blunt, or good quality ganga. This will take away the pain associated with the Cansema application. This can also be used to alleviate the pain you may feel from secondary metastatic cancer if Cansema does not work & your SCC or melanoma spreads to your lungs & brain.
How do you treat multiple areas of skin cancer with Cansema?
A good way to manage skin cancer using creams of any sort, is to treat one lesion at a time. Good photographic documentation (with or without biopsies) are required. This way your naturopathic doctor can pick up early cancer recurrence before it spreads to your lymph nodes.
If you experience pain, treating one lesion at a time can decrease discomfort. For very large skin cancers, your naturopath may ask you to apply Black Salve in sections. Be guided by their expertise in the management of skin cancers as they have an extensive knowledge of skin pathology & the anatomy of draining lymph nodes.
How long should you continue Cansema for?
Cansema causes eschar or scab formation. Most naturopaths who advocate Black Salve advise treatment of 10-21 days. There is no scientific literature to prove or disclaim the duration of treatment.
The longer the treatment, the higher the chances of resolution, however the higher the incidence of scarring.
Can this treatment be repeated?
Some practicing Cansema users do not advise a second or third treatment as reapplication can result in more scarring (on top of the first application). With subsequent applications there will be more pigment loss & bigger holes. Other Cansema practitioners advocate a second or third course of Cansema to mop up any recurrence.
If there is clinical evidence of recurrence, a sensible course of action would be to clear up your skin cancer (as this was the aim of initial treatment). It is important to rule out cancer spread. Simple biopsies can be done by a doctor. Clinical examinations include lymph node palpation. Amelanotic melanomas can look like benign Basal Cell Cancers or even IEC – Bowen’s (Google Image Search: Amelanotic Melanoma.) For these lesions, recurrence usually requires a PET Scan or imaging to exclude spread to other sites, including the liver, lung or brain.
Disclaimer: I do not do routine skin checks, nor do I manage skin cancers. My work focuses on treatment of scarring from skin cancer surgery.
What happens if Cansema treatment is not successful?
It really depends on the age of the patient, the location & the aggression of the tumour. For example, if it is a superficial BCC or IEC on the arm of someone in their 80s, chances are, the patient will outlive the tumour.
On the contrary, if the tumour is say an amelanotic melanoma on someone in their 30s, chances are, metastatic spread will occur within 6-12 months if incompletely treated. If you have undergone treatment of your skin cancer with Cansema, see a skin cancer doctor or your dermatologist for follow up.
Disclaimer: I do not do routine skin checks, nor do I make the call regarding cancer clearance. My job is to repair the scars caused by all forms of skin cancer therapy including surgical, curette, freezing, & chemical treatments such as Cansema.
Does Cansema application scar?
Cansema works by causing severe inflammation & necrosis, eating away at tissue (both tumor & normal skin). This treatment is classed as escharotic; which means it forms an eschar or big black scab devoid of any blood supply. Similar effects can be given with battery acid. The aim of black salve is to give a large & deep eschar. This has the best chance of treating skin cancer.
Most cases of Cansema treatment will leave a scar (as this is the endpoint). The majority of scars are devoid of pigment, known as a depigmented or hypopigmented scar. In most cases the scars are atrophic (divots or holes), in some cases the scars are hypertrophic or raised. Occasionally they are keloid.

What are sensible natural remedies to reduce sunspots & keratosis?
Vitamins A,B & C are used by dermatologists to reduce sun damage & to treat sun spots. Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives & include retinoic acid, retinol & retinaldehyde.
Niacinamide or Vitamin B3 is an effective treatment for managing actinic or solar keratosis . It can reduce the burden of new sun spots & reduce pre-existing ones by up to 35%. The ideal dose is 500 mg B3 twice a day. Oral vitamin B is more effective than topical niacinamide.
Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is the most powerful antioxidant. It works by reducing UV & environmental damage to skin cells. This topical should be used in the am as a second layer of defence, underneath sunscreen.
How do I manage Cansema scarring?
If I suspect that there is recurrence of cancer, I will refer patients to my medical colleagues for management. Simple biopsies or serial photographs can determine if the treatment is effective. Depending on the skin cancer treated, lymph node palpation is part of the clinical examination.
If there is no evidence of cancer recurrence, procedures such as laser resurfacing can be conducted to reduce scars. If there are areas of atrophy, (holes or divots), several sessions of autologous fat grafting may be required in order to correct contours changes. Pigmentation changes such as hypopigmentation are harder to correct. The use of pigment cell transplantation such as Recell may be required.
What is a sensible 'natural' treatment for skin cancers?
Depending on the type of skin cancer, a dermatologist may offer you more ‘nat treats’ (natural treatments). The first is with a gas that is found in the atmosphere. It accounts for 78% of the stuff we BREATHE, hence you can’t get more natural than that. How to use?
- Nitrogen is frozen to below minus 195.8 degrees. It is called liquid nitrogen
- This is then applied to the skin for a duration of time (5 to 15 seconds) in cycles of 1-2
A second way is with chemicals found in nature. This group of chems are called porphyrins. They are activated by natural light to kill cancer cells as the compounds are preferentially absorbed in skin cancer cells. This treatment is called PDT.
For more on skin cancer management, consult my colleagues at Cutis Dermatology in Brisbane.
Davin’s Viewpoint on the use of Cansema
I am not against the use of natural ingredients to treat conditions like acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, photoaging & even warts. Dermatologists have learned and embraced many botanical ingredients including tea tree oil, liquorice root extracts, bearberries, soy, flavonoids, green tea, & wildberries. We have learned from naturopathic medicine an immense amount of knowledge about using natural extracts to treat common skin conditions.
Treating cancer with natural remedies is probably not the most sensible thing to ‘try out’. Regardless, some people will try Cansema. My role is not to convince you that mainstream medicine is best for treating cancer, but to potentially revise the scars left from cancer treatment- this includes mainstream surgical cases as well as alternative medicine Cansema treatment. More on cansema.

If you would like natural treatment for skin cancer, consider seeing someone who can take a biopsy of the cancer, at least this gives a prognosis. From there you can try natural solutions such as sandpaper or salt dermabrasion, especially for non-life-threatening cancers like superficial basal cell carcinomas. Naturopathic treatments for melanomas & squamous cell cancers are not a good idea. Many of my colleagues say the cansema is a treatment that can contribute greatly to Darwin’s laws of natural selection. I think they are downright sarcastic.

Disclaimer: I do not perform skin checks, nor do I give advice on the use of any skin cancer treatment, either natural or mainstream medical. I class myself as an operator, namely to perform procedures designed to correct a condition. In the case of Cancema, my primary role is to improve the scarring from this treatment. If I suspect recurrence, I will take steps to refer patients to medical professionals to make this call.