Jojoba Oil
Best used: AM & or PM | Caution: Maybe occlusive | Best for: Dry skin, dermatitis, eczema |
Comments: Limited studies, can be used as a moisturiser | Mode of action: Humectant, antioxidant | Science Score: * |
What is the science behind jojoba oil?
Derived from the Jojoba plant, this oil was first used by native Americans for its variety of healing properties. Jojoba oil has the same molecular structure as the natural wax esters in our skin. Our skin’s sebum or oil contains 30% of these wax esters. These lipids are responsible for keeping skin cells healthy providing optimal barrier function whilst decreasing water loss. Jojoba, like other organic essential oils, has anti-inflammatory properties that help with many skin conditions (see below).
What skin problems can be treated with jojoba oil?
Packed with medicinal properties, this essential oil can address the following skin conditions-
Atopic dermatitis or eczema- the high lipid content & wax structures of jojoba can aid in epidermal barrier function & decrease water loss.
Acne- The true value of this oil is to trick your skin’s production of sebum, in turn reducing outbreaks of acne. Jojoba also has antibacterial properties that can help reduce zits & pimples (mild cases of acne).
Anti ageing– Much like other essential oils, jojoba has modest antioxidant properties & can be used as part of your natural anti aging program alongside herbal plant derived Botox & hyaluronic acids derived from the mountain dew of Icelandic ferns 🙂
Wound healing – occlusive & barrier properties of this oil can accelerate wound healing in conditions such as atopic dermatitis.
Can jojoba oil be used as an anti-aging ingredient?
Organic, cold-pressed, Jojoba Oil has a modest level of antioxidants and can be used as part of your anti–aging skin care routine. Antioxidants protect your skin cells and collagen against free radical damage. Because it is the perfect moisturizer, Jojoba can help slow down the appearance of aging, and help to fade fine lines and wrinkles.

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Which is the best essential oil for treating acne?
TTO or tea tree oil has the most amount of research in the context of acne management. This oil derived from the eucalyptus plant has anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial – anti fungal properties. The incidence of allergic contact dermatitis is around 2-5%, however irritant dermatitis is higher. Be guided by your naturopathic skin care expert. Jojoba oil functions to reduce sebum production (tricks your biofeedback loop), in turn secondarily decreasing pimples & zits.
Does jojoba oil stimulate collagen production?
Nope, chemicals such as retinoic acid stimulate collagen production. Jojoba’s true value is a nice moisturizer that has weak antioxidant properties that can protect your collagen from UV induced free radical damage & degeneration.
Jessner TCA peel, one session
👉This is a medium depth peel. Occasionally I prep with retinoic acid beforehand, but thin skin like this patient, RA is not needed. I scrub with acetone, then coat with 2-4 layers of Jesser. I then have a cup of coffee then come back to finish off with TCA at 35%
😁Was having a friendly banter with my mentor & close friend @aprofphilipbekhor last night. Peels vs lasers. Why do I like peels? My chill out time. No loud noises apart from the patient's muffled screams 😱😱(joking). Despite the tech of lasers, I still like looking carefully at end points from peels. It is tactile, much like driving a manual car vs an automatic. Sure the latter is easier, but sometimes it’s the challenge to get the downshift perfectly matched, or the epidermis so evenly gray that the entire sheet slides from the dermis. It’s old school cool
👊🏻Disclaimer: You do need to watch your peel patients more closely cf. NA laser patients, that is fact💯
😎Davin Lim
#tca #jessner #jessnertca #chemicalpeels #dermatologist #dermatology #drdavinlim #skinrejuvenation
TCA peels are a simple way to rejuvenate skin. This picture is over a decade old, but I still enjoy peels over lasers (more tactile). It’ much like driving a older vintage car, it’s slower to get to your destination but the drive is more enjoyable🚘
🔬Skin science: TCA can be applied as a superficial, medium (most common) & deep peel. In this case I employed it as a medium depth peel, to the upper papillary dermis. In some cases I combine it with Jessner for deeper penetration
👉Downtime: 5- 8 days depending on the strength and coats
😢Pain: Tolerable with topical application of numbing and skin cooling. I do give oral conscious sedation if deeper peeling
👍🏻Good for: Skin type 1-2+, pigment, freckles, sun damage, solar keratosis, mild to moderate wrinkles, lentigos/ age spots
👎🏼Not good for: Darker skin, deep wrinkles, melasma
😎Davin Lim
#chemcialpeels #TCApeel #jessner #jessnerTCA #skinrejuvenation #skinlightening #skinbrightening #davinlim #dermatology #skinscience
Can I use this oil as a moisturiser?
Yes. Jojoba most closely resembles the natural sebum our body produces . It is a fairly light oil that is most effective in sealing in the moisture & reducing transepidermal water loss, adding to skin barrier integrity. As it has a low allergic potential it can be used in cases of dermatitis, dry skin (xerosis) & atopic eczema.
Do I wash jojoba oil off?
No. Essential oils such as jojoba work best if it is left on the skin. Leaving it on will protect your skin against free radical damage from UV & environmental pollutants.
How often should I use jojoba oil?
This oil can be applied to your skin up to twice a day. Gently massage 1-2 pumps of jojoba into damp skin morning and night. It can also be applied onto dry skin at any time during the day.
Which oil is better, jojoba or argan oil?
Both are natural plant based essential oils that serve as excellent humectants. Argan oil has a slightly better anti-aging role due to its antioxidant properties, whilst Jojoba oil is a better choice for sensitive skin. They both keep the skin moist while offering healing and anti-inflammatory elements.
Does jojoba oil brighten & light skin?
No, in the context of essential oils, Jojoba’s primary role is to reduce water loss from the skin & repair barrier function. It does have antioxidant properties & in vitro may protect the skin from UV light. The flipside? A high factor 30+ or more SPF will do a much better job than jojoba oil.
Will a dermatologist prescribe me Jojoba oil?
Highly unlikely. Whilst acknowledging the science behind jojoba oil, most dermatologists, including myself will gravitate towards the use of chemicals including retinoids, glycolic acids, hydroquinone, beta hydroxy acids, Botox & hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. You do not require a consultation nor a prescription for naturopathic skin care as these products, including jojoba oil are not under TGA, FDA or CE regulations. Just Google, buy, try & enjoy. This review on jojoba is important as there is scientific evidence that this oil does have in vitro value. Whether it takes 15 years off your skin age or treats severe cystic acne is another debate.
What are the side effects of jojoba oil?
Jojoba is safe when applied to the skin. True allergic reactions to natural essential oils are rare (less than 2%). If this happens you may experience a rash on the application & distant sites. Allergic patch testing or ROAT tests are required to confirm. Jojoba is UNSAFE for anyone when taken by mouth. Jojoba contains a chemical called erucic acid, which can cause serious side effects such as heart damage resulting in death. As a reference your heart is not affected if you consume half a dozen bottles of Botox or a dozen syringes of dermal fillers 🙂
Davin’s view on Jojoba Oil for Skin
Essential oils including rosehip, jojoba, argan, tea tree & other oils have recently been studied in the dermatology literature with an increasing number of papers over the past few years. Naturopathic skin care certainly adds value to the scientific community as we explore & find new ways to integrate these molecules into Western medicine. My point of view is that if treatments are harmless, as in most cases of essential oils, give it a go. If it works for you, that is one less patient dermatologists need to place on Accutane, use steroids to treat atopica dermatitis or inject a syringe or two of laboratory synthesised hyaluronic acid dermal fillers for the treatment of wrinkles.