Best Taken: AM or PM 40mg max dose | Caution: Indigestion with high doses | Best for: Acneic skin |
Comments: Useful for acne | Mode of action: Anti-inflammatory. Anti bacterial. | Science Score: ****
What is the science behind zinc and skin?
Zinc is an essential mineral which boosts immune function. It can reduce the inflammatory response seen with acne. Because zinc regulates cell production and turnover and can help reduce the amount of natural oil your skin produces. This reduces congestion, in turn preventing pores from clogging.
What type of zinc should I take for acne?
A dose of between 80 to 140 mg elemental zinc is recommended for the treatment of acne. The RDI (recommended daily intake) ranges from 10 to 15 mg. Some studies have shown that zinc sulphate is the most effective type of zinc supplement for the management of acne. Higher doses can cause side effects such as abdominal upset.
How long will it take for zinc to clear acne?
It can take 6 to 8 weeks before you see the benefits of zinc, with maximal effectiveness around 10 to 12 weeks. Combinations with erythromycin or clindamycin (antibacterial & anti-inflammatory) work faster. Frequent application of the above has been proven to reduce acute lesions of acne by drying out pimples within 48 to 72 hours.

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Is zinc good for hormonal acne?
Zinc is a mineral that can also help decrease acne spots by reducing oil production. It can work for adult hormonal acne, especially if combined with an anti-inflammatory antibiotic such as erythromycin. You can take it as an oral supplement or as a topical treatment.
Is zinc cream or lotion an effective treatment for acne?
Yes. In fact, one of the best topical creams/ lotions/ gels for acne contains zinc with an anti-inflammatory antibiotic called erythromycin. This preparation is available in the United Kingdom and goes under the name of Zineryt.
Erythromycin contained in Zineryt solution is an antibiotic and works to kill bacteria in the oil glands. This action stops the spread of the infection, reducing the inflammation of the sebaceous glands and allowing the skin to heal naturally. Zineryt solution also contain zinc acetate. This mineral has skin-healing & oil reducing properties making an ideal companion to erythromycin.
Start off the new year with a bit of positive change. Simple skincare and lifestyle changes can effectively treat 80% of acne. Did changing your lifestyle help clear up your acne? Comment below
🔬Skin Science: The pathophysiology of acne are the following; increased oil or sebum, abnormal shedding of the oil gland, inflammation & resultant increase in population of bacteria, C.acnes. Diet, stress, occlusion, wrong products, & occlusion from masks/makeup/moisturizers call play a role in worsening this condition
👉Hormonal acne: is a supercomplex form of acne. Called hormonal, but most of the time the hormones are abnormal (in contrast to endocrine causes of acne where there may be elevation in cortisol, DHEAS, testosterone, prolactin, 17-OH progesterone etc..) Think of it as an intracrine disorder, not endocrine (oil gland sensitive to normal hormones)
🥒🥕Diet: super simple. Eat healthy, low sugar, low dairy, non- processed foods. Supplement with zinc can help
☹️Stress: Mediate? Destress, talk to your general practitioner for more direction
🎬Action: For resistant cases of acne, consult the team @cutis_dermatology. We can guide you through the acne treatment maize to find a solution that works. Nurses & dermal therapists use skin care actives, chemical peels, low level lasers & phototherapy. Dermatologists prescribe medication💊📝
😎Dr Davin Lim
#skincarecommunity#healthyskin#skincareroutine#beautytips#skincaretips#instaskincare#beautyscience #bestskincare #drdavinlim #acnetips #acneskincare #pimpletips
#newyear #newyearnewme
Disclaimer: I am a procedural dermatologist - I cut, laser, peel & inject. For acne treatments, please see my colleagues @cutis_dermatology💯
Skin lightening & brightening can be achieved with topicals. Here are some of my favourite over the counter agents🛒
🌤Sunscreens: Prevention is 90% of this game. Favs? la roche posay, invisible zinc , melan130 from mesoestetic
👍🏻Retinol works by increasing cell turnover, think of it a chemical exfoliant. Retinoids can also reduce pigment production in the skinRefer to previous posts for application guidelines
. 🍊Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is both an antioxidant & a skin lightener . It works by decreasing pigment output by the pigment cells in skin (melanocytes). The best form of #vitaminC is known as L-Ascorbic Acid, concentrations ranging from 10-20%.
🍏Arbutin is an organic skin lightening agent, however in the majority of cases it is made in the lab; namely alpha #arbutin. Arbutin works by decreasing the activity of melanocytes.
🍋Glycolic Acid: Works as an exfoliant. Other skincare acids include lactic acid and salicylic acid. My hand picked recommendations are available through @theformulated
🎬Action: Most forms of #pigmentation can be improved with topicals, chemical peels, & gentle laser treatments such as dermal toning, fraxel & pico lasers. Book for a free consultation with my talented dermal therapists & nurses @cutis_dermatology @theformulated
😎Davin’s Pro Rip: Sunscreen forms the basis of pigment prevention. At least twice a day. Majority of light pigmentation can be faded with correct over the counter preparations. The most important factor in treating pigmentation is to have a diagnosis. Some forms of pigmentation such as #melasma require specialist management, whilst freckles & sun spots are easier to treat.
Dr Davin Lim,
Dermatologist AUS 🇦🇺
@Cutis_dermatology @theformulated
#theformulated #brisbaneskinclinic #brisbanedermatologist #skincare #skincarecommunity #skintips #pigmentation #skinsolutions #skinhelp #pigmentcorrector #dermatologist
Did you know that food plays a significant role in the control of acne? 🥛 🐠 Before spending a whole heap on make up, skin care, or even seeing a dermatologist- work on your diet ❕❕ Diet has been shown to control over 60% of mild to moderate cases of acne, without the need for special #acneskincare 🙂
TAKE HOME MESSAGE - Work on your diet. Cut down on sugars, and refined foods, including dairy!
▪️ Eat healthy- unrefined foods are best. Fish, vegetables and unrefined carbs.
▪️ Supplement with zinc from a health food shop.
▪️ Only see a #dermatologist if you have #cysticacne or #scarringacne .
▪️ Holistic approach to #acnemanagement can save you money as well as side effects from tablets such as oratene or Accutane.
Dr Davin Lim, @cutis_dermatology @theformulated
Brisbane, AU🇦🇺
#skincarecommunity #skincareaddict #skincarescience #skincareblog #skincaretips #dermatology #drdavinlim #internationaldermatologist #20sskincare #brisbanedermatologist #acne #diet
Sunscreen Guide By Dermatologist, Dr Davin Lim ☀️
Keep it simple with the ‘Two Rule’ for sunscreens
Apply twice a day
Apply TWO fingers of sunscreen
Have TWO types of sunscreen available, a daily & a weekend or activity sunscreen that is waterproof
Sunscreens in the US, Europe & Australia undergo strict testing, so just as long as you are using a broad spectrum SPF 30 or greater, you’re good to go
Recommended brands include La Roche Posay, Neutrogena, Ego, Banana Boat & Invisible Zinc
Remember to Slip, Slop, Slap (Old Aussie saying for SLIP on a shirt, Slop on SUNSCREEN and Slap on a HAT)
Dr Davin Lim, @101.skin
@cutis_dermatology @theformulated
#sunscreen #sunsmart #sunsafe #larocheposay #invisblezinc #sunscreenguide #skincare #skincarescience #dermatologist #skin
If you are after natural remedies when you see a dermatologist you are barking up the wrong tree💯
🔬Skin Science: Dermatologists encourage non-prescription management of acne before seeing them.. YUP, the whole idea is to best manage acne without drugs & without the need to see a dermo. SENSIBLE solutions include diet, topical vitamins including the ABC’s (retinol, niacinamide, ascorbic acid), zinc supplements, skin care acids including BHAs-salicylic acid. Some cases respond to TTO (Tea tree oil), as there are emerging papers showing efficacy. As for witch hazel? The evidence is not so robust (future studies may reveal more)
🌸Botanicals: Lots of evidence that plant extracts can help with pigmentation. These include #arbutin, licorice root, bearberry, soy, blueberries, soy & flavonoids. Green tea is an #antioxidant and can reduce redness
🎬Action: If you are struggling with acne, see my team of dermal therapists & nurses. They have non-prescription options including light therapy, peels, & good skin care. For mild cases/non-scarring acne, consult your GP. For resistant cases - #cysticacne - scarring acne, book an appointment with my colleagues @cutis_dermatology. They prescribe chemicals, not #fairydust
😎Dr Davin Lim
#dermatology #skinscience #dermalscience #zits #cysticacne #acnecysts #acnetips #acneremedy #acnediary #acneskincare #drdavinlim #pimpletreatments#naturalmedicine #natrualskincare #natropathicskin #naturalacnetips #holisticskincare
Disclaimer: I do not treat acne, my work is entirely procedural. My colleagues can assist. The aim of any acne treatment is to modify your lifestyle & skincare. Dermatologists can help the cases that do not respond to usual interventions.🙏🏼🙏🏼👍🏻
Rosacea can be tricky to manage, with so many triggers out there! Here's a few quick tips to help!
Balance out your prescription treatment (like azelaic acid) with gentle cleansers and moisturizers targeted to those with sensitive skin and with calming and redness-reducing ingredients like niacinamide, ceramides, oatmeal, chamomile, aloe, or green tea, to name a few. 🍵
Tips: Identify & manage your flare up factors if possible
1️⃣Keep skin care really simple
2️⃣Use a bland cleanser - La Roche #Rosaliac range or #Cetaphil
3️⃣Use a non-irritating sunscreen- zinc based
4️⃣Avoid AHAs, #retinol & ascorbic acid
5️⃣Use niacinamide & azelaic acid
👍🏻How dermatologists manage rosacea. Topicals include metronidazole gel, ivermectin, brimonidine (often rebounds), #niacinamide, short cse topical CS, microtox, oral incl. Anti-inflammatory abs, #isotretinoin, & vascular modulators including beta blockers.
Laser including KTP, pulse dye, LP 1064, laser genesis, IPL /BBL & ablative lasers for phyma. 🔫
Dr Davin Lim @101.skin
#skincare #skin #dermatologist #skinhacks #skintips #rosacea #greenteaskincare #sensitiveskin
🔬Skin science: Rosacea skincare is tricky. Start slow, titrate, analyse what you can tolerate & what flare up your skin
☀️Sunscreen is essential. Most will tolerate LRP Anthelios, either chemical or hybrid physical (depending on which country you live in). Invisible Zinc if you want pure physical SPF
👊Actives: Stick with hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, & azelaic acid
😳What about retinol/retinoids? It is not an absolute contraindication, but you will require care & titration
🔫What about procedures? Lasers over chemical peels. Lasers include vascular laser, QSL, #pico, #dermaltoning, laser genesis. If you want #Fraxel or ablative CO2, cover with doxycycline for 3 weeks, add vascular laser for rebound redness
🎬Action: Book a consult with my colleagues & clinical team @cutis_dermatology
👍🏻Management & options: It shouldn’t be too hard to find any of these products online. A majority of them are stocked by @theformulated, you can find them at theformulated.com
😎Davin Lim
#drdavinlim #drdavinlim #skin #skincare #rosacea #rosaceaskin #rosaceatreatment
#rosaceaskincare #rosaceasupport #rosaceacommunity #rosaceacure #dermatologist
#dermatology #dermatologistbrisbane #rosaceatips #skinrejuvenation #rosaceaskinrejuvenation #cutisdermatology
Lifestyle modification & simple skincare can effectively treat 80% of acne. Did changing your lifestyle help clear up your acne? Comment below
🔬Skin Science: The pathophysiology of acne are the following; increased oil or sebum, abnormal shedding of the oil gland, inflammation & resultant increase in population of bacteria, C.acnes. Diet, stress, occlusion, wrong products, & occlusion from masks/makeup/moisturizers call play a role in worsening this condition
👉Hormonal acne: is a supercomplex form of acne. Called hormonal, but most of the time the hormones are abnormal (in contrast to endocrine causes of acne where there may be elevation in cortisol, DHEAS, testosterone, prolactin, 17-OH progesterone etc..) Think of it as an intracrine disorder, not endocrine (oil gland sensitive to normal hormones)
🥒🥕Diet: super simple. Eat healthy, low sugar, low dairy, non- processed foods. Supplement with zinc can help
☹️Stress: Mediate? Destress, talk to your general practitioner for more direction
🎬Action: For resistant cases of acne, consult the team @cutis_dermatology. We can guide you through the acne treatment maize to find a solution that works. Nurses & dermal therapists use skin care actives, chemical peels, low level lasers & phototherapy. Dermatologists prescribe medication💊📝
😎Dr Davin Lim
#skincarecommunity#healthyskin#skincareroutine#beautytips#skincaretips#instaskincare#beautyscience #bestskincare #drdavinlim #acnetips #acneskincare #pimpletips
Disclaimer: I am a procedural dermatologist - I cut, laser, peel & inject. For acne treatments, please see my colleagues @cutis_dermatology💯
Pregnancy can worsen or improve acne- 50/50
👍🏻Safe treatments are the priority
🧴Topicals: include niacinamide, azelaic acid, AHAs, low concentrations of BHAs, namely salicylic acid washes, clindamycin & erythromycin. BPO sits on the fence, but most derms will say it’s fine
⚡️Procedures: Think phototherapy. Blue, red or combination low level lasers therapy. Pulse dye lasers, BBL or IPL, AHA peels like lactic or glycolic (over salicylic acid higher concentrations). Microdermabrasion if congested
💊Oral agents: include erythromycin or clindamycin, zinc sulfate
🎬If you are struggling with acne, see one of my colleagues @cutis_dermatology
😎Davin Lim
Brisbane, 🇦🇺
#acne #acnetips #clearskin #acneremedies #acneroutine #acnesolutions #acnediet #dermatologistbrisbane #dermatology #skincare
Skin lightening & brightening can be achieved with topicals. Here are some of my favourite over the counter agents🛒
🌤Sunscreens: Prevention is 90% of this game. Favs? la roche posay, invisible zinc , melan130 from mesoestetic
👍🏻Retinol works by increasing cell turnover, think of it a chemical exfoliant. Retinoids can also reduce pigment production in the skinRefer to previous posts for application guidelines
. 🍊Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is both an antioxidant & a skin lightener . It works by decreasing pigment output by the pigment cells in skin (melanocytes). The best form of #vitaminC is known as L-Ascorbic Acid, concentrations ranging from 10-20%.
🍏Arbutin is an organic skin lightening agent, however in the majority of cases it is made in the lab; namely alpha #arbutin. Arbutin works by decreasing the activity of melanocytes.
🍋Glycolic Acid: Works as an exfoliant. Other skincare acids include lactic acid and salicylic acid. My hand picked recommendations are available through @theformulated
🎬Action: Most forms of #pigmentation can be improved with topicals, chemical peels, & gentle laser treatments such as dermal toning, fraxel & pico lasers. Book for a free consultation with my talented dermal therapists & nurses @cliniccutis @theformulated
😎Davin’s Pro Rip: Sunscreen forms the basis of pigment prevention. At least twice a day. Majority of light pigmentation can be faded with correct over the counter preparations. The most important factor in treating pigmentation is to have a diagnosis. Some forms of pigmentation such as #melasma require specialist management, whilst freckles & sun spots are easier to treat.
Dr Davin Lim,
Dermatologist AUS 🇦🇺
@cliniccutis @theformulated
#theformulated #cutisclinic #brisbaneskinclinic #brisbanedermatologist #skincare #skincarecommunity #skintips #pigmentation #skinsolutions #skinhelp #pigmentcorrector #dermatologist
Did you know that food plays a significant role in the control of acne? 🥛 🐠 Before spending a whole heap on make up, skin care, or even seeing a dermatologist- work on your diet ❕❕ Diet has been shown to control over 60% of mild to moderate cases of acne, without the need for special #acneskincare 🙂
TAKE HOME MESSAGE - Work on your diet. Cut down on sugars, and refined foods, including dairy!
▪️ Eat healthy- unrefined foods are best. Fish, vegetables and unrefined carbs.
▪️ Supplement with zinc from a health food shop.
▪️ Only see a #dermatologist if you have #cysticacne or #scarringacne .
▪️ Holistic approach to #acnemanagement can save you money as well as side effects from tablets such as #oratane or #accutane
▪️ More on this entire topic on my YouTube channel!
▪️ Download the FREE acne diet guide from many links that WILL be provided. #acnefree #nomorepimples #flawlessskin #naturalacnecure
Dr Davin Lim, @cliniccutis @theformulated
Brisbane, AU🇦🇺
#skincarecommunity #skincareobsessed #skincareaddict #skincarescience #skincareblog #skincaretips #dermatology #drdavinlim #internationaldermatologist #20sskincare #protectyourcollagen #dontcatchchylamidia #normalskin #brisbanedermatologist
Why you should wear sunscreen in the car 🚙
This is a well known photograph published in a medical journal showing the effects of UV on the skin. This gentleman was a truck driver who drove on the correct side of the road, hence damage to the left side. This illustrates how UV damages collagen.
🔆 Most of my patients say ' I never see the sun' however incidental UV exposure accounts for their #skincondition . The most common cause of incidental UV exposure is commuting to work, or the school run. In Australia sun damage is worse on the right side, in the United States, it's the opposite side.
🧠 Skin science: Glass blocks UVB (responsible for #sunburn and #skincancer), with minimal attenuation of UVA. UVA goes deeper than UVB, and is responsible for #photoageing. UVA breaks down #collagen, leading to #wrinkles.
👨🏻⚕️Clinical implications: In the US, the left hand driver’s side of the face will show more photodamage, #skinpigmentation, & wrinkles compared to the right side- depending whether you are the driver or passenger. The opposite holds true for Australians and nations who drive on the opposite side of the road. Photosensitive skin conditions such as #rosacea and #melasma will favor the side with the more UV radiation.
🧴Recommended products: Sunscreen- #anthelios by #laroche posay. Physical sunscreens with zinc oxide/titanium dioxide. #invisiblezinc
💡Davin’s Protip: The first layer of protection should be the use of a high factor #sunscreen with both UVB and UVA coverage. If you live in a sunny climate, consider tinting your car windows with an #autotint which covers against UVA. One brand that offers a high UVA block is Llumar.
Conclusion? Consider reducing the amount of incidental UV exposure before spending $ on treatments. A simple #windowtint can make that difference.
Dr Davin Lim @cliniccutis Brisbane. Australia 🇦🇺
P.S If you drive a convertible, you’re screwed!
Rosacea flare ups are common with seasonal changes. With colder weather a peak is seen in Winter, especially with the Westerly winds. The other seasonal peak is Spring with increasing UVR
🔬Skin Science: Rosacea is complex. Genetics, stress, diet /foods, skin care, environmental factors, & many more play a role in the aetiology of this common condition
Tips: Identify & manage your flare up factors if possible
1️⃣Keep skin care really simple
2️⃣Use a bland cleanser - La Roche #Rosaliac range or #Cetaphil
3️⃣Use a non-irritating sunscreen- zinc based
4️⃣Avoid AHAs, #retinol & ascorbic acid
5️⃣Use niacinamide & azelaic acid
👍🏻How dermatologists manage rosacea. Topicals include metronidazole gel, ivermectin, brimonidine (often rebounds), #niacinamide, short cse topical CS, microtox, oral incl. Anti-inflammatory abs, #isotretinoin, & vascular modulators including beta blockers.
Laser including KTP, pulse dye, LP 1064, laser genesis, IPL /BBL & ablative lasers for phyma. 🔫
🎬Action: Book in to see my colleagues @cliniccutis Ideally medical therapy should be trialed prior to lasers.Vascular lasers are useful as adjunctive treatment
📖Resources include rosacea.org & www.faceuptorosacea.com (Galderma website). Well worth a visit, another great resource is rosacea.org
😎Dr Davin Lim
#rosacea #treatingrosacea #rosaceatips #faceuptorosacea #rosaceaskincare #rosaceacommunity #sensitiveskin #rozex #rosacearoutine #rosaceaskin #rosaceaawareness #rosaceaorg
Illustrations from rosacea.org & faceuptorosacea websites
Sunscreen Guide By Dermatologist, Dr Davin Lim
Keep it simple with the ‘Two Rule’ for sunscreens
Apply twice a day
Apply TWO fingers of sunscreen
Have TWO types of sunscreen available, a daily & a weekend or activity sunscreen that is waterproof
Sunscreens in the US, Europe & Australia undergo strict testing, so just as long as you are using a broad spectrum SPF 30 or greater, you’re good to go
Recommended brands include La Roche Posay, Neutrogena, Ego, Banana Boat & Invisible Zinc
Remember to Slip, Slop, Slap (Old Aussie saying for SLIP on a shirt, Slop on SUNSCREEN and Slap on a HAT)
Dr Davin Lim, @101.skin
#sunscreen #sunsmart #sunsafe #larocheposay #invisblezinc #sunscreenguide #skincare #skincarescience #dermatologist #skin
Lifestyle modification & simple skincare can effectively treat 80% of acne. Did changing your lifestyle help clear up your acne? Comment below
🔬Skin Science: The pathophysiology of acne are the following; increased oil or sebum, abnormal shedding of the oil gland, inflammation & resultant increase in population of bacteria, C.acnes. Diet, stress, occlusion, wrong products, & occlusion from masks/makeup/moisturizers call play a role in worsening this condition
👉Hormonal acne: is a supercomplex form of acne. Called hormonal, but most of the time the hormones are abnormal (in contrast to endocrine causes of acne where there may be elevation in cortisol, DHEAS, testosterone, prolactin, 17-OH progesterone etc..) Think of it as an intracrine disorder, not endocrine (oil gland sensitive to normal hormones)
🥒🥕Diet: super simple. Eat healthy, low sugar, low dairy, non- processed foods. Supplement with zinc can help
☹️Stress: Mediate? Destress, talk to your general practitioner for more direction
🎬Action: For resistant cases of acne, consult the team @cliniccutis. We can guide you through the acne treatment maize to find a solution that works. Nurses & dermal therapists use skin care actives, chemical peels, low level lasers & phototherapy. Dermatologists prescribe medication💊📝
😎Dr Davin Lim
#skincarecommunity#healthyskin#skincareroutine#beautytips#skincaretips#instaskincare#beautyscience #bestskincare #drdavinlim #acnetips #acneskincare #pimpletips
Disclaimer: I am a procedural dermatologist - I cut, laser, peel & inject. For acne treatments, please see my colleagues @cliniccutis💯
If you are after natural remedies when you see a dermatologist you are barking up the wrong tree💯
🔬Skin Science: Dermatologists encourage non-prescription management of acne before seeing them.. YUP, the whole idea is to best manage acne without drugs & without the need to see a dermo. SENSIBLE solutions include diet, topical vitamins including the ABC’s (retinol, niacinamide, ascorbic acid), zinc supplements, skin care acids including BHAs-salicylic acid. Some cases respond to TTO (Tea tree oil), as there are emerging papers showing efficacy. As for witch hazel? The evidence is not so robust (future studies may reveal more)
🌸Botanicals: Lots of evidence that plant extracts can help with pigmentation. These include #arbutin, licorice root, bearberry, soy, blueberries, soy & flavonoids. Green tea is an #antioxidant and can reduce redness
🎬Action: If you are struggling with acne, see my team of dermal therapists & nurses. They have non-prescription options including light therapy, peels, & good skin care. For mild cases/non-scarring acne, consult your GP. For resistant cases - #cysticacne - scarring acne, book an appointment with my colleagues @cliniccutis. They prescribe chemicals, not #fairydust
😎Dr Davin Lim
#dermatology #skinscience #dermalscience #zits #cysticacne #acnecysts #acnetips #acneremedy #acnediary #acneskincare #drdavinlim #pimpletreatments#naturalmedicine #natrualskincare #natropathicskin #naturalacnetips #holisticskincare
Disclaimer: I do not treat acne, my work is entirely procedural. My colleagues can assist.The aim of any acne treatment is to modify your lifestyle & skincare. Dermatologists can help the cases that do not respond to usual interventions.🙏🏼🙏🏼👍🏻
Diet, lifestyle modifications & skincare can treat acne. Try this BEFORE seeing a dermatologist
🔬Skin Science: The acne diet is really quite easy to remember- cut out sugar & processed foods. Consume less dairy. It will work for 70% of acne. Supplement this with good skin care & you will be surprised how effective it can be
👍🏻Skin Care: Start off with salicylic acid washes in the am. Treat spots with a dedicated spot treatment (higher strength sal acid). If you are a picker, consider hydrocolloid dressings. In the PM, consider a retinoid. Examples include Differin, retinol, hydroxypinacolone retinoate, retinaldehyde, or a retinol ester. Dark spots? Add ascorbic acid as tolerated in the am? Red spots? Niacinamide. Want some vitamins? Supplement with zinc
👀🎬When to see a dermatologist? If you have cystic acne, scarring acne, or if the above fails. We employ treatments such as #accutane, tablets, anti-hormones, chemical peels & low level laser therapy to treat acne
😎Dr Davin Lim
@101.skin @cliniccutis
Disclaimer: I do not manage acne. I am a procedural #dermatologist. For acne cases, see my colleagues @cliniccutis
#acnetreatment #acnecure #acnediet #zits #zitfree #acneremedy #treatingpimples #acneskincare #acnecommunity #dermatology #drdavinlim #davinlim #skincaretips #acneskincaretips #blemishfree #skincarecommunity #skincarescience
Skin lightening & brightening can be achieved with topicals. Here are some of my favourite over the counter agents🛒
🌤Sunscreens: Prevention is 90% of this game. Favs? la roche posay, invisible zinc , melan130 from mesoestetic
👍🏻Retinol works by increasing cell turnover, think of it a chemical exfoliant. Retinoids can also reduce pigment production in the skin. Good brands include the ordinary, inkeylist . Nice formulations from obagi 1.0 retinol & environ . Prescription retinoids include tretinoin & Zorac. Refer to previous posts for application guidelines
. 🍊Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is both an antioxidant & a skin lightener . It works by decreasing pigment output by the pigment cells in skin (melanocytes). The best form of vitamin C is known as L-Ascorbic Acid, concentrations ranging from 10-20%. maelove; The Glow Maker has Vit C, E & Ferulic acid
🍏Arbutin is an organic skin lightening agent, however in the majority of cases it is made in the lab; namely alpha arbutin. Arbutin works by decreasing the activity of melanocytes.
🍋Glycolic Acid: Works as an exfoliant. Other skincare acids include lactic acid and salicylic acid. The most cost-effective formulations are by The Inkey List. Higher concentrations with lower pH are from Neostrata, clinical strengths (up to 70%) available through @cliniccutis
🎬Action: Most forms of pigmentation can be improved with topicals, chemical peels, & gentle laser treatments such as dermal toning, fraxel & pico lasers. Book for a free consultation with my talented dermal therapists & nurses @cliniccutis
😎Davin’s Protip: Sunscreen forms the basis of pigment prevention. At least twice a day. Majority of light pigmentation can be faded with correct over the counter preparations. The most important factor in treating pigmentation is to have a diagnosis. Some forms of pigmentation such as melasma require specialist management, whilst freckles & sun spots are easier to treat. .
Dr Davin Lim,
Dermatologist AU
Following on from my quick vid last week! Here are my 5 helpful hints that can decrease the signs and symptoms of this condition.
🚫 Avoid flare factors- easier said than done. Winter is a bad time for many suffers of rosacea, as the change of warm indoor environment to the cooler temps outside plus the wind chill can flare up this condition. Find out what your flare factors are, and if possible, and within reason, avoid them. In summer, the high UV flares up rosacea and hence a sunscreen such as LRP 50+ or invisible zinc should be worn twice daily.
✅ Use the correct skin care regime. Dermatologist and skin care pharmacists recommend the La Roche-Posay rosaliac range. This is an anti-redness skincare range is formulated with 3 key ingredients: Ambophenol + Neurosensine + La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water. This MAY helps reduce visible redness, irritation and discomfort - suitable for sensitive, rosacea-prone skin. Remember each rosacea patient is unique and finding the correct combination is the key. Its fine to mix products from different companies to achieve the end result- less sensitive skin.
💊 Consider a short course of anti-inflammatory antibiotics. Doxy, EES, and minocycline all act as anti-inflammatories and can reduce the lumps and bumps of rosacea. Vitamin A can also improve rosacea.
💆🏼♂️ Consider the use of a special cream – Mirvaso can work in some, but rebound is common. Solantra is a cream that works in 20% of rosacea skin. Medical dermatologists can also compound special anti -inflammatory creams such as sodium sulfacetamide.
🔬Consider lasers- this is where I come in. Laser is NOT the miracle cure for rosacea however it can marked help in combination with the first four points. I work with your medical dermatologist to help reduce redness, blushing and even end stage rhinophyma The good news in Australia is that Medicare helps out with rosacea treatments.
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Dr Davin Lim Dermatologist, Brisbane @cliniccutis #laserdermatology #simpleskincare #skincaremadeeasy #rosaceaspecialist #internationaldermatologist
BACNE is a term to describe extra-facial acne involving the back. Acne can also involve the scalp, chest, arms, and legs. This form of acne is more common in males than females. Bacne & cystic acne can lead to acne scars.
✏Simple solutions: BPO or benzoyl peroxide can be very effective. Try a wash over cream due to surface area considerations. Is is super important to apply correctly, namely apply BPO to a brush or applicator, apply to the affected areas in the shower, leave on for 90 seconds before washing off. Can be used up to twice a day as tolerated. See below for brand recommendation. Elemental zinc/zinc sulfate can reduce acne. Double dose the recommended daily intake. .
🍔Lifestylechanges: acne diet can improve up to 80% of acne. Eat healthy, reduce dairy, increase intake of raw food, decrease intake of refined foods and sugar. Consume low Gi foods. Refer to diet specific posts @drdavinlim
🏥 medical dermatologists approach acne: Investigations to exclude endocrine causes based upon history & examination. Antibiotics, anti-hormone medication, & in extreme cases/ scarring acne, Accutane may be considered. Chemical peels, in particular BHA salicylic acid peels can be very effective. A simple compounded solution is 5% sal. acid, 1% thymol, 10% propylene glycol, in 85% ethanol. Don’t smoke near this solution. Sulfur 5% in calamine lotion is an oldie but a goodie. .
🔬Recommend products: benzacac wash, benzoyl peroxide 2.5-10%, Neutrogena oil free salicylic acid wash, compounded salicylic acid topically, compounded sulfur creams/lotions
😎Davin’s Protip: The use of simple benzoyl peroxide can treat mild to moderate trunkal- chest acne. The stand out brand is Benzac AC as this is more cost effective compared to proactive. Regardless of brand, the trick is to leave on for at least 90 seconds before washing off. If you do not respond within 8 weeks, consider seeing a medical dermatologist for effective solutions early. This will prevent/reduce acne scarring. .
Dr Davin Lim @cliniccutis
BrisVegas,, Australia. 🇦🇺
#acnetips #skincare #dermatologist
What vitamins are good to treat hormonal acne?
A, B & C. Retinoids are classified as derivatives of vitamin A. This group includes retinol, retinaldehyde & retinoic acid. Vitamin B3 or niacinamide can also improve inflammatory acne, whilst vitamin C or ascorbic acid reduces skin colour changes associated with inflammatory acne.
What are other natural methods to treat acne?
The following natural product have been shown to be effective in the fight against acne-
- Essential oils including tea tree oil. This is derived from the eucalyptus plant & has potent antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties.
- Azelaic acid acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that also kills c.acnes, the bacteria implicated in acne.
- Witch hazel has been shown to be of limited value.
- Glycolic acids such as lactic & glycolic acid can reduce blackheads & congestion.
- A diet high in grains & low in dairy and sugar can make a huge difference in the management of both teenage & adult acne.
- Sensible phototherapy can help clear up pimples. Visible light in the blue & red spectrum activates chemicals produced by acne forming bacteria.
I suggest that if you would like natural ways to treat your acne, do so before seeing a medical dermatologist. I have referenced many papers throughout the website & in countless IG posts as to how to approach acne prior to seeing my colleagues. Most of these solutions are available over the counter.
*Disclaimer : My line of work is a procedural dermatologist, meaning I cut, inject, lase, & peel. I do not treat medical conditions such as acne. My colleagues @cutis_dermatology can assist.
Davin’s viewpoint on zinc and skin care
Dermatologists are notoriously slow in the context of accepting & practicing naturopathic medicine. The use of zinc however is well known. Zinc oxide sunscreens are possibly one of the highest SPF whilst having a very low sensitivity rate. Zinc paste is also used for the management of eczema, cuts, fissures & other skin concerns. Zineryt was one of my favourite topicals when I treated acne in the NHS over 20 years ago! Another favourite is zinc sulphate for the management of viral warts as this element can modify skin immunity.
A sensible starting dose is 80 mg of elemental zinc, increasing to 140-160 mg as tolerated. A rough guide is double doses of zinc from a health food shop. Add glycolic acid peels, or salicylic acid washes, a strict acne diet & azelaic acid to breakouts, and you may have a winning combination.
*Disclaimer: I do not manage acne as my work is strictly procedural. For an option on acne management, consult my team Cutis Dermatology.