Blue Peel Obaji

Blue Peel Obaji At A Glance

  • Best Results1-3 treatments
  • Treatment Recovery5-8 days
  • Procedure Time25 min
  • Skin SpecialistDavin Lim, Dermatologist
  • Duration of ResultsYears +
  • AnaestheticNumbing, Cooling
  • Back to Work4-7 days
  • Cost$$-$$$ (Special order)

Blue Peel Obaji

Peels are still relevant in the day and age of technology. In fact one treatment of Blue Peel Obaji can remove more pigment than Fraxel laser, HALO laser or IPL-BBL. Peels are useful in the management of photoaging, acne & acne scarring. At Clinic Cutis we perform over a dozen types of peels ranging from AHA superficial peels to deep phenol croton oil peels.

FactsFacts on the Blue Peel Obaji

  • This peel is a modified Trichloroacetic Peel, also known as a TCA peel
  • The skin depth of the Blue Peel is classed as medium depth chemical peel
  • Medium depth peels can treat pigmentation, sunspots, as well as wrinkles
  • Recovery following this peel is around one week
  • Most patients require one Blue Peel to reset the clock by 5-10 years
  • I often combine Blue Peels/TCA peels with gentle laser resurfacing
  • Combination treatments give the best results
  • Jessner TCA peels give superior penetration compared to Blue Peel

What is the Blue Peel Obaji?

The Obagi Blue Peel is a medium-depth TCA peel. This peel reaches the upper part of the dermis, known as the papillary dermis. By definition, the upper layer of skin, known as the epidermis, is fully breached by medium-depth peels, hence the healing time of just over a week. 

When peels reach the lower part of the skin, they can efficiently target sun damage, photoaging & most importantly stimulate collagen production. This accounts for the anti-wrinkle effect of the Blue Peel.

What conditions can a Blue Peel treat?

Medium depth TCA literally peels away skin pigmentation, & sun damage. As a guide, the Blue Peel can address-

  • Fine lines & wrinkles; via collagen stimulation
  • Open & enlarged pores; by supporting pores with new collagen
  • Sun damage, sunspots & pigmentation: by removing the top layer of skin
  • Dull skin: by removing dead skin cells
  • Acne scars; by remodeling dermal collagen & elastin

How is this peel different from beauty spa peels?

Spa & shopping centre peels are superficial chemical peels. These peels are called ‘lunchtime peels (as they have no downtime).’ Examples of superficial peels include lactic acid, glycolic, mandelic, citric & retinoic acid peels.

Superficial peels improve skin texture, however, they have limited capacity to remodel dermal collagen, and treat pigmentation & photodamage. We offer superficial peels @cliniccutis. These are done by our dermal therapists. Superficial peels require several sessions to notice improvements, nevertheless, they are useful in the management of acne, congestion, and oily skin & to maintain results following deeper peels or laser resurfacing.

Is the Blue Peel painful?

This peel takes 20 minutes to perform. Majority of patients will experience a burning sensation 2-3 minutes after application of the peel. This lasts for 2-4 minutes & can be alleviated with simple cooling of the skin. For anxious patients I prescribe an anxiolytic to reduce stress (& pain). Post peeling you will experience no pain.

Davin’s Viewpoint: Obagi Blue Peel

This product is well packaged with a sound protocol driven application. It essentially is a medium depth TCA peel. Medium depth peels are very useful in the treatment of sun damage, age spots, pigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines & in some cases acne scars.

I do think that combining medium depth peels such as the Blue Peel with sensible, low density CO2 laser is the way to go. Why? Because laser healing time is faster than the peel. This way we can treat smoker’s lines, crow’s feet & deep wrinkles with only ONE combination treatment. Downtime is limited to just over one week.

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