Laser Genesis At A Glance
- Best Results5-10 sessions
- Treatment RecoveryNil
- Procedure Time20 min
- Skin SpecialistNurse, Dermal Therapist
- Duration of Results6 to 12 months
- AnaestheticPainless, nil
- Back to WorkImmediately
- Cost$
Laser Genesis
This laser treatment uses low-level laser light to help boost collagen, reduce redness and treat textural changes including fine wrinkles and enlarged pores. Similar to dermal toning, laser has no downtime. Laser genesis can also reduce redness associated with rosacea, flushing & blushing.
FactsFacts on Laser Genesis for Skin Rejuvenation
- This treatment uses a vascular laser to gently heat up the dermal layer
- Laser genesis is used to decrease facial redness, treat rosacea as well as stimulate collagen
- Treatments are painless and do not require anaesthetic cream
- There is NO downtime following laser genesis
- This treatment is most frequently employed as a maintenance treatment or as a wrinkle prevention procedure
- In some cases, I combine this treatment with fractional lasers, Tixel or laser toning
What is laser genesis?
What is Laser Genesis?
Laser genesis is a gentle way of stimulating collagen, improving redness – rosacea, and improving skin texture. This treatment is carried out with a long wavelength vascular laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm.
This treatment is designed to deliver gentle laser light into the deeper dermal layers of the skin. Genesis is a no downtime procedure that is performed every 2-8 weeks. It can be used as a preventive anti-aging treatment.
What conditions can be treated with laser genesis?
Laser genesis is best suited for patients with mild textural change who do not have downtime. Skin conditions including mild rosacea, background redness, enlarged pores, as well as mild wrinkles are ideally suited for this treatment. The majority of skin types can be safely and effectively treated with this setting.
Red acne marks & scars can also respond to laser genesis.
Is laser genesis painful?
No. During treatment it is normal to feel slight warmth with no pain. Each session takes between 20-30 minutes to perform.
How many treatments are required?
5-10 sessions spaced 2-4 weeks apart. In some cases, laser genesi can be used as a photo-rejuvenation program in patients with sensitive skin, including rosacea patients.

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What will my skin look like after laser genesis?
Your skin will be slightly red after treatment, much like after exercise. This usually lasts for an hour or two. Make up can be worn directly after. There are no restrictions post laser genesis. You can carry on with normal activities including work, exercise and social events after this laser.
What other treatments can treat ‘red’ skin conditions?
At Clinic Cutis we have various lasers and devices that can treat vascular (red) conditions. The most commonly used laser is the V Beam Prima & Perfecta (595nm wavelength), I also employ the 755nm wavelength as well as the NdYag 1064 nm for deeper vessels. We have 3 laser sources for 1064 including the Sciton, Prima & Spendor X. Occasionally I employ the IPL or BBL by Sciton. For mild cases of redness, we use the Healite LLEDs (Low level laser emission devices).
I seldom use Laser Genesis, even though we have 3 lasers that can reproduce the 1064 nm settings. Pico lasers offer much faster, & better results with little to no downtime.
How do I know if laser genesis is right for me?
I employ two forms of ‘genesis’ treatment, depending on the clinical presentation. By definition, ‘genesis’ or ‘toning’ should have zero downtime. For patients who exhibit ‘red’ compared to pigment, my preferred route is a vascular laser. Conversely, if ‘toning’ is the aim, pigment lasers are indicated. For an accurate guide, book an obligation-free consultation with my dermal therapist or nurses. Once we get an idea of the clinical presentation, we can tailor a program for your goals.
Davin’s viewpoint on Laser Genesis
Laser genesis can be a useful tool for the management of skin rejuvenation in patients who are hypersensitive to topicals such as retinol, retinoids, ascorbic acid & skin acids. Classically rosacea patients fall into this group. As genesis employs low-level lasers, there is no downtime. The long wavelength of laser light is delivered into the deeper dermal layers stimulating collagen as well as reducing blood vessels that contribute to erythema (red). Typically, patients undertake a series of 10 treatments spaced monthly. Laser Genesi can also be combined with laser toning (nano or pico QSL) to achieve better results.