NuEra Skin Tightening At A Glance
- Best Results4-7 sessions
- Treatment Recovery0 days
- Procedure Time20-40 minutes
- Skin SpecialistDermal Therapist
- Duration of ResultsVariable
- AnaestheticNot required, well tolerated
- Back to WorkImmediately
- Cost$$
NuEra Skin Tightening
NuEra is the very latest skin tightening device at Cutis Dermatology. NuEra employs third-generation radiofrequency to contract collagen to provide an immediate sensation of firmness around key areas such as the lower & mid-face as well as the neck. A delayed phase increases dermal collagen, improving skin laxity. This painless treatment has no downtime. A series of 4-6 sessions are recommended for best outcomes.
FactsFacts on NuEra Skin Tightening
- NuEra delivers painless & gentle radiofrequency waves
- Treatments are fast,effective & comfortable
- NuEra has zero downtime
- Works by tightening collagen followed by collagen induction
- Results can be felt right after the procedure
- Results are seen in the weeks to follow
- I use NuEra in combination with lasers, dermal fillers, threads & peels
What can NuEra do for my Skin Tightening?
NuEra is the very latest skin tightening device from Lumenis. It used low heat radiofrequency to contract & regenerate collagen, leading to improvements in skin tone. In my opinion, it is the best skin tightening device on the market (& we have half a dozen). NuEra can-
- Treat mild to moderate skin laxity on the face & neck
- Reduce early jowling
- Reduce static wrinkles
- Treat laxity on the body including arms, abdomen & lower limbs
When will I see the results?
You can feel the results immediately. This is due to immediate collagen contraction, hence the treated areas feel firmer. The next phase is collagen induction, which is due to increased collagen in the dermal layers of skin. The best results are seen at 3-5 months after starting NuEra RF.
What is involved in treatment?
NuEra treatments are super fast- the whole procedure is completed in less than 30 minutes. During the treatment your skin will feel warmth much like a warm stone massage.. This is due to radio-frequency energy delivered by the device.
Does the treatment hurt?
No. NuEra uses low heat over a longer time, hence treatments do not hurt. High heat delivered over a short timeframe (e.g. HIFU or lasers) tends to be painful.

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How many sessions are required?
Between 2 to 6. The results are gradual & patients require several treatments to achieve desired results. Skin will look & feel tighter after every session. Once we achieve the rejuvenation you’ve been looking for, you’ll be able to maintain results with occasional touch-up sessions.
* 2 sessions following treatments such as laser resurfacing, collagen stimulating dermal fillers & PDO threads.
**6 sessions as the company guideline for stand alone treatments.
How do I approach skin tightening?
Skin tightening should be performed on all levels of the skin. NuEra treats the deep dermis & SMAS layer which covers the facial muscles. Dermal fillers treat the level above radiofrequency, whilst lasers & deep peels address more superficial skin.
Lighting could be better, however in the after photos the better light reflex & luminosity reflects the better skin quality following treatment
👉The Procedure: Jessner TCA peel & low density CO2 in key vectors in addition to 60 PDO threads in vectors, RF at 3.5 mm. One session only. Predicable non-surgical skin tightening follows a complex algorithm based on clinical features, genetics, ethnicity, goals, equipment, & more
👍🏻The logic: Stimulation of all layers from the mid to superficial dermis (peel), deeper dermis (low density but high power CO2), hypodermis (RFM) & hypodermis & fibroseptal network (PDO threads)
⏭Next stage: dermal fillers to further improve the outcomes
🙄Suitable patients: mild to moderate laxity (leaning towards mildish). For lighter types, I prefer lasers or medium to deep peels, for darker skin types I use RF devices (RFM, NuEra, Pelleve) & HIFU
🎬Action: For an opinion on threads & skin tightening book a consult with Katie or Alison at Cutis Dermatology
😎Davin Lim
#lskintightening #HIFU #pdothreads #threadlifting #skinlaxity #brisbanedermatologist #dermatology #skinscience #facelifting #nonsurgicalfacelift #threadlift #mintpdo #mintthreads #pdothreadlifting
Skin tightening with lasers & threads🔫🧵🪡
👉Logic: Ablative lasers (erbium + CO2) can provide immediate collagen contraction. This can firm up skin & improve skin quality. Threads, in particular PDO threads can cause fibrosis, synergically stimulating collagen production. This can further tighten skin
👊🏻🤜🏻🥊Combinations: We have just started to use a combination of laser (superficial), threads (dermal-subdermal) & deeper RF timed appropriately to provide immediate, delayed & prolonged collagen production. The results, to date have been exceptional (to a point where I’m seriously surprised)
👍🏻Indications: mild to moderate laxity. The amount of laser vs threads vs RF & the timings varies according to age, skin quality (amount of photodamage), dermal thickness, skin type & other factors. Patient selection is critical to getting a good outcome
👉Next step: Adding collagen stimulating fillers in appropriate dilutions to further compound results
🧵Action: to see if you are a candidate for this procedure, book an appointment with the senior nurses Alison & Katie at Cutis Dermatology
😠BTW Cutis Derm IG page is still hacked, so don’t fall for the bitcoin sell
😎Davin Lim
#drdavinlim #dermatologist #skintightening #PDOthreads #mintthreads
#threadlifting #threads #laserskinrejuvenation #skinrejuvenation #skinscience #brisbanedermatologist
Based upon probability and not possibility
👉🏾👉🏽Darker skin: more melanin, more reactive melanocytes, hence more prone to dyschromia / pigmentation. Pico lasers work well by reducing pigment and at the same time remodel collagen with little downtime (if at all). Collagen bundles are thicker and more protected from UV due to increased pigment. Collagen producing cells, or fibroblasts are larger, more numerous & more vigorous in their response to heat, hence why skin tightening devices work better in darker skin 💯
👉👉Lighter skin: more suitable for ablative laser, high pass fractional lasers & medium to deep peels. Darker skin type will PIH with above. Anecdotally some lighter skin types do extremely well with skin tightening devices such as #HIFU, #Ultherapy, Ultraformer, RF devices including RF Microneedling, Tempsure, Pelleve, Thermage etc… These skin types include east/mid Eurpeans, think Czech, Russian especially if photoprotected most of their lives (less collagen breakdown/elastosis)
😎Dr Davin Lim
#skintightening #skintone #antiaging #skintreatment ##ultraformer #Tempsure #thermage #davinlim #dermatologist #dermatology #collagen
Laser resurfacing can give good results. #collagen remodelling can be somewhat predictable, however the ‘lift; in this patient is quite remarkable as collagen contraction has reduced her jowls. This is an exception rather than the rule
🔬Skin Science: Ablative lasers are still relevant in #dermatology. They can be used to treat derm conditions including actinic cheilitis, sBBCs, IEC-Bowen Disease, solar keratosis, seb ks, seb hyperplasia as well as shallow acne scars. In this case I used both erbium & CO2 fully ablative lasers
👉👀Concept: Lasers can improve skin quality & provide collagen contraction. Lasers do NOT address volume. For best results it is the balance between improving skin quality, skin tightening (energy devices vs surgical), & volume replacement (filler or fat)
😎Dr Davin Lim
#laserdermatology #dermatologist #dermatologistbrisbane #skinrejuvenation #laserresurfacing #skinscience #rejuvenation #davinlim #drdavinlim #antiaging #laserrejuvenation #co2lasers #erbiumlaser
What is the recovery time following a NuEra treatment?
Immediate. Unlike lasers & peels with downtimes ranging from 1-10 days, the NuEra RF recovery is immediate. RF energy is focused to the deeper areas of the skin, by passing the upper layers,
Why is it super important to treat all layers of the skin?
This is my theory on what I call momentum neocollagenesis, which means treating all areas of skin, the fibrous network of fat underlying skin, & the SMAS layer then envelops facial & neck muscles. Momentum is then built around these layers using specific techniques that are modified according to the patient’s skin type, quality, age, expectations, & budgets.
How does NuEra compare to Thermage & other devices?
I did run Thermage for many years & here is my take on things. Thermage is like a microwave turned on high heat for one minute, whilst NuEra is like the same microwave turned on low heat for 2 minutes.
I got rid of my Thermage device several years ago as the response rate of this device is around 30%. Considering patients are out of pocket $3,000-4,000, it’s an expensive procedure to have, with little gain.
When do I use Ultherapy or HIFU over NuEra?
I prefer NuEra over HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound – Ultherapy- Ultraformer) in the majority of cases. This is why-
NuEra provides long-tail heating of collagen & the fibroseptal network (fat fibers). For patients with less facial fat, NuEra is safer & works better. In contrast, HIFU is useful for patients with a ‘higher content’ of facial & neck fat. In this scenario, HIFU can provide slimming through collateral inflammation of fat & contraction of the fat network.
For patients with background solar damage, both HIFU & NuEra will more than likely not work. This is because collagen is broken. Lasers & deep peels can repair broken collagen – solar elastosis.
When do I use radiofrequency delivered with microneedling?
RFM or radiofrequency microneedling is used on the lower ⅓ of the face & under the neck, usually at the same time as I perform liposuction. RFM is most useful to treat focal areas of skin laxity. For larger areas, I prefer NuEra. Think of RFM as high heat over a very short period of time.
Which is better- NuEra or Tempsure?
I have been running Tempsure for many years. This is my take on things. NuEra gives more powerful immediate tightening of tissue. It takes half the time to perform as Tempure, hence if required more passes can be achieved with NuEra compared to Tempsure.
Why do I combine lasers with NuEra?
If your skin quality is poor, your collagen & elastin is fragmented & will not contract. This is termed elastosis & is due to sun-exposure & smoking. For extensive sun damage, dermal heating devices such as RF & HIFU will not work. Lasers are indicated to stimulate & remodel collagen.
What are collagen stimulating dermal fillers & why do I combine them with NuEra?
Fillers can either add volume (Hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm, Restylane, Boletero), or stimulate your own immune system to produce collagen. These include PLLA (Sculptra), calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) or newer hybrid fillers like Profhilo.
Collagen stimulating fillers require more treatments & more time to get the best results. Treatment intervals are 4-6 weeks apart. This is where NuEra comes in. By having RF at 4-8 week intervals, it provides momentum neocollagenesis– meaning collagen synthesis is more than the sum of the parts.
Why is it important to time your skin tightening procedures?
We want sustained collagen remodeling; much like how trains rely on momentum. A single push (whether it be laser, fillers, RF, HIFU) is helpful, but it is the continued small pushes after the main event that increases collagen & provides skin tightening. Timing is everything. It looks something like this-
- First treatment; lasers, or deep peels or even collagen stimulating fillers.
- Second treatment; 4-6 weeks later; NuEra
- Third session; 4-6 week later; NuEra
- Fourth sessions; 4-6 weeks later; NuEra or option for Profhilo
Which is better- NuEra vs threads?
I don’t perform threads, unless it is followed up by NuEra. PDO threads are placed in the hypodermis or subcutaneous layer. They represent one layer of skin tightening. Used as monotherapy (ie. by itself), the results from PDOs are marginal.
NuEra provides the heating to both the hypodermis & the layer deeper. With sustained global heating, radiofrequency devices such as NuEra compounds the collagen stimulating ability of treads (momentum neocollagenesis).
Does NuEra break down dermal fillers?
No. Our group did a paper & published it in a leading journal showing the stability of dermal fillers. Here is the reasoning; dermal fillers (HA) are made with bacteria fermentation. They are sterilized at around 110 degrees for > 3 minutes. RF produces 67 to 69 degrees of heating for around 0.3 to 1 second. FIllers are hence stable.
Who can not have NuEra?
Contraindications are divided into absolute & relative contraindications.
- Absolute: includes pregnancy, & metal implants.
- Relative: Moderate to severe skin laxity, unrealistic expectations, patients with severe photoaging.
Can NuEra be performed on all skin types?
Yes. Radiofrequency energy is skin color blind. In fact, skin tightening procedures work better on darker skin types. This is due to the heightened sensitivity of collagen producing cells located in the dermis.
Is this procedure safe?
Radiofrequency is a safe & effective treatment that can trigger natural responses in the skin to revitalize and renew the internal structure. If during the consultation your general health and medical history indicates that this treatment may not be suitable for you, then it will not be recommended. To date it remains as one of the safest and most effective anti-aging treatments on the market.
Does RF cause facial fat loss?
When performed with skill and precision, radiofrequency does not cause fat loss. In order of devices which have the potential to cause fat loss, it goes something like this-
- HIFU or Ultherapy, especially multi-stacking in patients with low facial fat.
- RFM using more than 2 pulses in one area (same depth, high energy, insulated)
- RF using high heat; example: Thermage
Can anti-wrinkle injections or dermal fillers be performed on the day?
Yes. Unlike lasers or chemical peels, radiofrequency energy does not cause tissue swelling hence injectables such as Botox or dermal fillers can be performed after NuEra.
What are the side effects of NuEra?
There are no serious side effects. NuEra uses low temperature heating, hence side effects such as thermal burns (eg. lasers, Thermage) are not seen. Additionally fat loss (Ultherapy – Ultraformer) is not seen with NuEra. As RF is color blind, skin color changes seen in deep peels & lasers are not seen with NuEra.
Cold sore virus activation with procedures such as dermal fillers, lasers, & peels are not encountered with radiofrequency treatment.
Can NuEra change the pigmentation or darken my skin?
Nope. NuEra produces low heat to the dermal layers of skin, bypassing the epidermis where pigment cells live. Unlike peels or lasers you will not be more sun sensitive after NuEra.
How long do the results last?
Because NuEra causes changes deep within the structure of the skin, namely to stimulate & contract collagen, optimal results will take time. However, they also won’t diminish quickly either. Increased collagen production in the skin will mean smoother, tighter skin for months or even years to come. You can also schedule annual maintenance treatments to sustain your new collagen & keep you looking its best.
Can NuEra integrate with my skincare routine?
Yes. This treatment fully integrates with your skincare. As NuEra does not compromise your skin barrier, you can go back to your normal skincare routine immediately. A suggest skin care routine goes something like this-
- AM: Vitamin C, tocopherol, ferulic acid + sunscreen
- PM: Retinol or retinoid
Will NuEra flare up rosacea prone skin?
Unlikely as it uses low heating sustained for 20-40 minutes. In this patient group transient redness can be seen, often lasting a few hours. If you have rosacea, you may also benefit from vascular lasers.
Who’s a good candidate for non-surgical skin tightening?
Many people can safely have a skin-tightening procedure. You’re likely to get the best results if you:
- Are at a healthy weight and
- Maintain your weight +/-5%
- Don’t smoke
- Eat a healthy diet
- Protect your skin from the sun
- Have a small amount of sagging skin
A skin-tightening procedure isn’t right for anyone who is pregnant, has a skin infection, or takes certain medications. If you think devices can replace a deep plane facelift, non-surgical skin tightening is not for you.
Is NuEra only for facial skin tightening?
NuEra is also useful for treating skin laxity on the chest, neck & limbs. Again patient selection is critical for the best results.
RF can also be used to treat cellulite. It works best on wavy cellulite (buttocks, inner thighs) or as a combination with subcision & dermal stimulatory fillers.
How to integrate clinical skin tightening with at home microcurrent devices?
This is uncharted territory as I have only started playing with microcurrent devices for home use in 2022. In theory a combination of RF in the clinic, followed by microcurrent should increase contractile properties of collagen. Watch this space.
Davin’s viewpoint on NuEra RF skin tightening
This is one of my favorite RF devices as it is powerful enough to tighten skin in a relatively short period of time. Unlike older devices, NuEra can complete a treatment in less than 30 minutes. Older devices require 60 to 90 minutes a session.
Most patients will notice skin firming immediately after the procedure. This is due to a process called immediate collagen contraction- it is the same feeling as after a workout, when your muscles feel tighter & firmer. This is short lived & within a day or two your skin will regress to normal. With repeated treatments, 10-21 days apart, your skin will increase momentum & start to feel firmer for longer. We recommend 3-6 sessions depending on your goals, clinical findings & age.
In my practice, I combine RF with other treatments such as PDO threads, deep peels, collagen stimulating dermal fillers, RF microneedling, HIFU & lasers. The reason for this is that I want to treat all layers of skin to maximize collagen contraction. RF treats deep, whilst PDO threads treat the middle layer. Peels & lasers address superficial issues such as skin quality. Each method of skin tightening calls on specific inflammatory responses within your skin. For lasers this means growth factors from the upper layers of skin.
Pico lasers treat the most superficial skin, the epidermis. More powerful lasers such as fractional lasers address the upper dermal layer providing collagen contraction of the papillary dermis. High heat lasers will cause neocollagenesis or collagen remodeling. HIFU hits the deepest layer, namely the SMAS covering facial muscles. It is superficial around the jawline, but is deep towards the middle of the face.
My theory on momentum neocollagenesis is as follows. Your skin requires an initial push. These can be energy devices or deep peels. From there, your immune system can be nudged with slow heating, non-invasive methods to provide sustained momentum over a given time frame.
RF can be delivered via two main ways, firstly with needles. This is fast heating (less than one second), but more superficial- up to 5 mm using specific microneedles. This form of RF is called RFM or radiofrequency micro needling. It is useful for cases of lower face & neck remodeling. The second method is to deliver RF using a conduction & resistance pathway with devices such as Theramge, Pelleve, Tempsure & NuEra.