Acne Tablets At A Glance
- Best Results4-8+ weeks
- Treatment Recovery0 days
- Procedure TimeNA
- Skin SpecialistClinician
- Duration of ResultsMonths-Years
- AnaestheticNA
- Back to WorkNA
- Cost$
Tablets for Acne
There are many types of tablets used to treat acne, ranging from vitamins, supplements, thru to antibiotics and special tablets prescribed by dermatologists. Depending on the severity of your acne, your previous success and failures, our team will come up with an effective solutions to treat & in most cases cure your acne. In most cases we combine a tablet with a retinoid creams. We can also combine tablets with chemical peels, or even laser treatment.
FactsFacts on tablets for acne control
- Acne that progresses beyond comedonal or mild stage usually requires tablets
- Tablets are usually used in combination with creams/chemical peels to provide optimal improvements
- Tablets for acne include anti-inflammatories such as EES & doxycycline
- Hormone tablets include spironolactone
- Hormone contraceptive pills include Yaz, Yasmin, & Diane
- Oral isotretinoin is the most effective treatment for stubborn or scarring acne and needs to be prescribed by a specialist dermatologist.
What types of tablets can be taken to control my acne?
There are 3 main groups of tablets for acne:
- Antibiotics/Anti-inflammatory tablets
- Hormonal pills
- Oral Retinoids- isotretinoin (Roaccutane, Accutane/Oratane)

How long will I need to be on tablets for?
Treatment usually needs to be continued for 3 months. Isotretinoin treatment generally lasts 6-12 months, whereby treatment with antibiotics and hormonal pills may be variable durations based on response.

Are there any side effects of tablets for acne?
All medications have their own potential side effects. However, as long as your treatment is prescribed and monitored by a specialist, these risks can be minimised.

Antibiotics may cause gastrointestinal problems, sun sensitivity and thrush. Hormonal pills may cause weight gain, mood disturbances and have an effect on menstrual cycle.
Isotretinoin has its own set of side effects, the main ones being skin/lip dryness & sun sensitivity. Less common side effects do exist and this is a drug that requires prescription by a specialist dermatologist – as long as a tailored treatment plan is followed and side effects monitored, this is the most effective medication for acne treatment.
Can tablets for acne be combined with other treatments for my acne?
Tablets for acne are usually combined with topical creams & chemical peels or laser and light treatment modalities to provide the most effect and rapid improvement. Your dermatologist will tailor a program for your skin concerns.
What is the best acne treatment if I want to avoid tablets?
AviClear is a new laser for acne. It is due in Australia in 2023. AviClear has an extremely high success rate in treating all forms of acne including mild, moderate & severe cystic acne. It requires only 3 sessions, spaced one month apart.

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Can the birth control pill help with acne?
Yes. In females, certain oral contraceptive pills may help improve acne, both in younger girls as well as women with a resistant form of acne known as adult female jaw line acne. Pills such as Diane-ED, Estelle, Yasmin and Yaz work by reducing the impact of androgens on the sebaceous glands in the skin.
It is important to realise, however, that some pills and hormonal contraception may actually may acne worse, so your dermatologist will coordinate with your GP to prescribe the most appropriate type.
What is Accutane/ Roaccutane/ Oratane?
Roaccutane/Oratane/ Accutane is a vitamin A medication known as isotretinoin. For acne that is resistant to other treatment, or for acne that is beginning to cause scarring, this is the treatment of choice.

As it has its own set of side effects that need close monitoring, Roaccutane can only be prescribed by specialist dermatologists.
60-70% of patients who complete a 6-12 month course of Roaccutane are permanently cured of their acne.
The main restriction with Roaccutane is that patients must not fall pregnant during, or for one month after, treatment, as the risk to the unborn foetus is extremely high. There are, however, no long-term implications to fertility from this drug.
Disclaimer: I am not pro, nor against this medication. My work is entirely procedural in nature, I do not treat acne as this condition is medical. Please see my colleagues @cutis_dermatology
Acne topicals summarized. Have you had success with topicals? Please share.I really like to know
👍🏻Give them a go with a finite time frame of 6 weeks. If no better, visit your family GP. They can escalate treatments. Give that 6 weeks, if no better see a dermatologist
👍🏻🧴Retinol: 0.5 to 1.0% many choices, formulation over branding
💯Retinoids: If you can get hold of #differin, it is better than #retinol. # trifarotene, tazarotene & retinoic acid / #tretinoin can be prescribed by your dermatologist
🧪Salicylic acid: Super cheap exfoliant. 1.5 to 2%, #cerave or LRP #micropeel
👍🏻Azelaic acid: if you are pregnant or have sensitive skin #azelaicacid is a great option. OTC, can be effective in PIH or post inflammatory pigmentation
😷Benzoyl peroxide: Cheap & nasty, it works for zits & pustules. Get Benzac AC over the marketing BS by #Proactive
💯Niacinamide : anti-inflammatory, reduced PIH, helps with skin barrier function
🧚🏼Tea tree oil: for the fairies & hippies, all the best
😎Davin Lim
#acnescars #acne #dermatologistbrisbane #holisticacnecure #acnecure #acnetreatments #acnecysts #retinol #retinoids #BHApeels #retinoids #teatreeoil #niacinamide
#natropathicmedicine #naturalbeauty
The OCP or #thepill is often used to treat acne, including hormonal acne
🔬Skin Science: Antiandrogens work at the intracrine level, namely reducing androgen modulation in the oil or sebaceous glands. They reduce DHT or dihydrotestosterone.
Anti-androgens include
💊Drospirenone: most often in 3mg strength. #Yaz #yasmin
💊Cyproterone acetate: include Brenda, Estelle, Diane & Juliet
💊Chlormadinone: Avail in US, #Belara, Luteran
📆Effects seen: In 2-3 months
👀Uses: Female acne, #hormonalacne, #pcos, #hirsutism, oily skin - #seborrhea
☹️Caution: Clots, DVT, Stroke, PE, mood swings, weight gain, water retention, cramps.
POP or progesterone only pill, #Implanon, Mirena can all flare acne
🎥Action: discuss with your GP or medical dermatologist the risk benefit ratio of the #OCP
😎Dr Davin Lim
@theformulated @cliniccutis
Brisbane, Australia 🇦🇺
Disclaimer: I am a procedural dermatologist, I do not treat acne. If you have acne, please see my colleagues @cliniccutis. Early & effective control of acne will mitigate scars, meaning less work for me !!! This will allow me to write more content, so please treat your acne.
#treatingacne #acne #theOCP #hormonalpimples #acnecure #dermatology #skincarecommunity #skincaretips #skincare
💯Retinoids can be classed according to their strengths
📖There are many types of retinoids, including prescription topicals as well as retinol, retinyl palmitate, retinaldehyde and #granactive formulations (hydroxypinnacolone retinoate)
💪🏼Function: Retinoids are essential for #healthyskin. They regulate cell turnover, play a role in oil production, skin inflammation, immune function & regulation of skin pigmentation
🤔Use: limited by skin irritation. Related to the type of retinoid, its concentration, & patient factors as well as co-application of ingredients such as AHAs, BHAs, ascorbic acid
👍🏻Start: With a good formulation of retinol every second night & increase as tolerated.
Sensitive skin? Start with retinyl palmitate. Resistant skin? Start with retinyl aldehyde or prescription #tretinoin
😎Dr Davin Lim
#theformulated #drdavinlim #skincarescience #theordinary #skinscience #dermalscience #instaskincare #basicaskincare #skincareroutine #retinol #retinoids #retinoicacid #retinolskincare #granactiveretinol #retinylaldehyde #HPR #granactive
Can I undertake acne scar treatments on tablets?
The priority should always be to cure the ongoing acne that is resulting in the acne. However, certain scar treatments may be undertaken while patients are on tablets to treat their acne. Your dermatologist will guide you as to what procedures may be safely undertaken while still on tablets.
Procedures that I perform whilst patients are still on Isotretinoin include: TCA focal deep application, RFM, microneedling, subcision, fractional laser treatment.
Can my GP prescribe tablets for my acne?
Your GP may be able to prescribe the appropriate antibiotic & hormonal tablets for mild to moderate acne. They may also refer you to a dermatologist to provide you with combination treatments with tablets, creams and chemical peels/LED treatments.
Roaccutane/Oratane, however, can only be prescribed by specialist dermatologists and requires close monitoring.
How do I make an appointment to see a Specialist for acne?
A referral from your GP is not required, however this is encouraged. A referral will keep your GP up to date with your medical treatments, and also enable you to claim a partial refund from Medicare.
Disclaimer: I do NOT manage any forms of acne, my work is procedural & not medical. Acne treatments are seen by my medical colleagues at Clinic Dermatology.
Davin’s Perspective on Tablets for Acne
Tablets are a vital part of treatment for hormonal or inflammatory acne. Dermatologists usually prescribe a combination of oral antibiotic tablets & the hormonal pill, along with topical vitamin A creams to give the quickest, optimal improvement for patients.

If acne is stubborn or scarring, many dermatologist will consider the use of Roaccutane/Oratane. This is extremely effective and can change the long-term outcome for many patients, and prevent significant scarring. Like any other treatment, it has a specific set of side effects and requires close monitoring by a dermatologist – however results may be exceptional and life changing. Remember that the number one predictor for acne scarring is the time taken for effective control of this chronic condition called acne vulgaris.

Disclaimer: I do NOT treat acne. I am a procedural dermatologist. If you have acne, please see my colleagues @cutis_dermatology