Vascular Laser Treatments, At A Glance
- Best Results1-4 treatments
- Treatment Recovery0-3 days
- Procedure Time5 min
- Skin SpecialistDermal therapist, nurse, dermatologist
- Duration of ResultsMonths to years
- AnaestheticLaser cooling
- Back to WorkImmediately-2 days
- Cost$-$$ Medicare rebate in cases
Vascular Lasers For Redness
Rosacea, redness, broken capillaries as well as flushing and blushing are common medical conditions. Vascular lasers can also treat stretch marks & birthmarks. Using the latest in laser technology, treatments are much less painful than IPL, are quicker and more effective. Most conditions also carry a Medicare rebate.
FactsFacts on vascular laser treatments
- I use 4 different vascular lasers to address red conditions
- Each laser has a specific wavelength to address different conditions
- These lasers can safely and effectively treat broken capillaries, flushing & blushing, rosacea as well as birthmarks
- Treatments take 1 to 3 minutes to perform
- Vascular laser can also be very effective in the treatment of early red-purple stretch marks
- A special system called DCD or Dynamic Cooling Device protects the skin, but also markedly reduces pain
- Different vascular lasers are used according to the depth & diameter of the blood vessels
What conditions can be treated with vascular lasers?
Skin conditions due to blood vessel damage are best treated with vascular lasers. Lasers targets the blood within the vessels, and passes the heat to the vessel wall, effectively ‘sealing them off.’
Skin conditions I can effectively treat using our vascular lasers include-
- Broken capillaries found on the nose, cheeks and chin
- Red spots and dots including spider naevi and Campbell de Morgan spots
- Flushing and blushing as well as general redness (using our Paint Mode system)
- Stretch marks – especially early pink to red/ purple ones (early stretch marks)
- Birthmarks and venous lakes on the lips

Does the treatment hurt?
Vascular laser treatment is well tolerated. It feels like a rubber band flicking on your skin. Using Syneron Candella’s unique DCD or Dynamic Cooling Device, a stream of cool air is delivered to the treatment area a fraction of a second before the laser pulse- this results in-
- Less pain
- Protection of the upper layers of the skin
No local numbing cream is needed for vascular laser. This treatment is more comfortable than IPL and hurts less than laser hair removal.
Are all lasers the same?
No. Cutis has the very latest Syneron Prima Vascular laser. Why is this the standout laser compared to the previous generation of vascular lasers? The answer lies in the spot size. A larger functional spot size means faster treatments. This means less pain. More importantly, a larger spot size means the laser beam’s focal or convergent point is deeper. This means more effective treatments.
We have updated our lasers based upon efficacy & patient comfort levels.
How long does it take to treat broken blood vessels and red faces?
Treatments can be as quick as one second for spider veins or several minutes to treat conditions such as rosacea / flushing and blushing and large birth marks.
In general, the larger the area, the longer the treatment. Broken capillaries and blood vessels take 2-3 minutes to treat.

View our Treatment Gallery
How many sessions will I need to remove capillaries and treat redness?
From one to four. In most instances you will require only one session to treat conditions such as facial veins, broken capillaries, and broken blood vessels on the face.
Patients with flushing, blushing and rosacea will require more treatments.
Red birthmarks such as port wine stains may take 4-8 sessions, depending on the site, size, skin type & age.
Are there any side effects with vascular lasers?
Side effects are exceedingly rare following red vascular laser treatments.The integrated cooling system we have with our lasers protect the upper surface of the skin, reducing unwanted side effects such as broken skin, skin darkening and blisters.
Some cases may bruise for several days, depending on the settings. We will always warn you of potential side effects prior to lasing.
Rosacea, treated with V BEAM Prima, by @candelamedicalanz
👉Settings 11 mm spot, 6 ms, 6.5 J
🔫Laser: The V Beam is one of the best lasers for vascular work, primarily because of its dynamic cooling spray. I do have devices such as IPL/BBL & 1064 Nd Yag lasers with cooling plates but I personally don’t like them much
👍🏻Advantage of spray: fire & forget, it’s on, it’s safe, it’s more comfortable for the patient
👉Coupling gel & cooling plates: Adds many more steps as to what can go wrong
👉Gel required
👉Enough coupling gel needed
👉Cooling plate needs to be cold
👉Contact with the gel throughout the process
👉No feedback if cooling is fault
👉Then you gotta clean up your mess
👍🏻Just my 2 cents worth on vascular lasers
😎Davin Lim
#vbeam #vbeamprima #rosacea #rosaceatips #rosaceatreatment #roscaeacure #rosaceaskincare
#drdavinlim #dermatoloigstbrisbane #skinscience
Version 2 of rosacea management via stories, tap for the algorithm as to how to manage rosacea. This will be part of my pre-consultation process once I iron out the bugs. Please provide feedback🙏🏼
🔬Skin science: Rosacea skincare is tricky. Start slow, titrate, analyse what you can tolerate & what flare up your skin
☀️Sunscreen is essential. Most will tolerate LRP Anthelios, either chemical or hybrid physical (depending on which country you live in). Invisible Zinc if you want pure physical SPF
👊Actives: Stick with hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, & azelaic acid
😳What about retinol/retinoids? It is not an absolute contraindication, but you will require care & titration
🔫What about procedures? Lasers over chemical peels. Lasers include vascular laser, QSL, #pico, #dermaltoning, laser genesis. If you want #Fraxel or ablative CO2, cover with doxycycline for 3 weeks, add vascular laser for rebound redness
🎬Action: Book a consult with my colleagues & clinical team @cliniccutis
👍🏻Management & options: Surf the algorithm in the stories. This is version 1.2, still requires more branches, feedback will be great (including any bugs you have found). I have based answers on probability not possibility, taking into account the time vs completion rate to maximise information & minimise drop-outs. As the algorithms evolve I will allow for ‘skip’ segments to allow faster completion times, or more detail for those wanting it
😎Davin Lim
#drdavinlim #drdavinlim #skin #skincare #rosacea #rosaceaskin #rosaceatreatment
#rosaceaskincare #rosaceasupport #rosaceacommunity #rosaceacure #dermatologist
#dermatology #dermatologistbrisbane #rosaceatips #skinrejuvenation #rosaceaskinrejuvenation #cutisclinic
Vascular lasers are one of the most commonly utilised lasers in #dermatology
🔬Skin Science: Vascular lasers target haemoglobin. The bigger the number the deeper the penetration. My most frequently used wavelengths include 595 & 1064, occasionally 755 alex
👉👍🏻Most Common Conditions: #rosacea, post acne marks - PIE/ post inflammatory erythema, active inflammatory #acne (adjunct to medical), teles, #spidernaevi, vascular birthmarks including #portwinestains, post surgical redness, #stretchmarks (red-early), red bits of #poikiloderma & vascular component of #melasma. In general most red conditions can be improved-treated with vascular lasers
💯Skincare: Is important for prevention. Sunscreen can help with many red conditions including rosacea, melasma, PIE from acne & even photosensitive seb derm. Simple cleansers & moisturizer best for rosacea. I don’t use topicals such as brimonidine - #Mirvaso as the rebound rate is too high. Usual anti-inflammatory such as #azelaicacid as adjunctive management in some cases
🎬Action: Book with my clinical team @cliniccutis. They will find a solution for your redness. We have 5 vascular energy devices covering 595 to 1064 nm plus IPL/BBL, hence in the majority of cases redness can be easily treated ! I am happy to see complex or resistant cases including birthmarks
😎Dr Davin Lim
Brisbane, 🇦🇺
#skinscience #beautyscience #dermatology #dermatologist #brisbanedermatologist #laserrejuvenation #drdavinlim #davinlim #rosaceatips #rosaceaskincare #rosacealaser
🔬Skin Science: It is complex. Essentially rosacea is genetic, with input from many external factors as listed below. Unlike the aetiology of #rosacea, skincare should be simple
👀Rosacea triggers: These are as individual as you are. Getting to know and learn what triggers your rosacea will give you an edge over this common skin disorder. Triggers include sun-UV exposure, stress, heat, wind, exercise, ETOH, foods, changes of weather, wind, & skin care products (esp acidic or low pH products)
🥵Sensitive skin + Rosacea: For my rosacea patients, I normally start you on #niacinamide before other topicals, as this compound is anti-inflammatory. B3 can be combined with other topicals as long as the pH is over 5.0. #retinol with caution, #ascorbicacid with EXTREME caution. For further information discuss your skin care issues with my clinical team @cliniccutis
🔍Who to see if you have rosacea? Your family physician can guide you with treatments, including the use of topicals such as #rozex & azelaic acid. Tabs include anti-inflammatory meds can be prescribed by your GP. Vascular lasers & #IPL can reduce both inflammation as well as redness associated with rosacea. Attempt to control your condition with the usual topicals & tabs prior to seeing a dermo
💉Last line treatments: Patients that fail laser can give #Botox & #tixel a trial or micro-Botox with #aquagold
😎Dr Davin Lim, Dermatologist
Brisbane. Australia
#skincare #skinscience #healthyskin #skinscience #rosaceaskincare #nomorered #skincarescience #drdavinlim #davinlim
Disclaimer: I am a procedural dermatologist, namely I laser-lase, inject, & cut. Skin care, though important, is not my usual occupation. I do give out sensible advice pertaining to your procedure. For an in-depth analysis of topicals, discuss your concerns with my clinical team @cliniccutis 👍🏻💯or discuss medical options with your dermatologist
Can spider leg veins be treated with Vascular laser?
Yes, in many cases small vessels (less than 1.5 mm) can be safely and effectively treated with the 1064 nm GentleMax laser. The flipside? Hypertonic saline injections are more effective.
Large varicose veins are not treatable with these vascular lasers, and a referral to a Vascular Specialist like Dr Andrew Cartmill is advised.
Can birthmarks be treated with vascular laser?
Yes. This is my speciality, having trained with the famous Prof Philip Bekhor at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. I use 3 types of vascular lasers to address red birthmarks. Brown birthmarks are treated with other lasers known as nano or pico lasers.
Medicare provides a significant rebate for the treatment of birthmarks by a Specialist.
Will vascular lasers cure rosacea?
No. Lasers only address the redness associated with this condition. The cause of rosacea is multifactorial, namely genetics modified by stress, irritants, allergens, & flare factors such as food, UV & environmental changes.
Lasers can decrease inflammation & blood vessels seen in a variant of rosacea known as ETR (erythotelengectatic rosacea).
The mainstay of rosacea management is with lifestyle modification & medical therapy. Lasers are used as adjunctive management. A good website to visit to understand this condition is rosacea. org
What type of stretch marks can be treated with vascular laser?
Early stretch marks are best treated with Vascular laser- in fact the early the treatment the better the results. What is the difference between old and early stretch marks? The colour. Early stretch marks are pink-red-purple in colour and contain lots of blood vessels. These blood vessels are the target for vascular lasers such as the V Beam Laser.
Older stretch marks are white, papery or silver in colour, these have very little blood vessels are best treated with microneedling, Fraxel laser or CO2 CORE laser.
What is the difference between IPL and vascular laser?
IPL stands for intense pulse light or BBL, broad band light. These devices are not lasers but focused and filtered light. Laser is a more specific instrument, while IPL is a multi-use instrument much like a Swiss Army knife. IPL gives average improvements for many things like pigmentation, age spots, rejuvenation, and redness, whilst lasers focus on one particular colour.
Vascular lasers such as the V Beam Perfecta, Prima, Gentlelase Pro Max, Spendor X come in two wavelengths- this further enables us to treat blood vessels, rosacea, stretch marks, and birthmarks in all ethnic skin types.
Laser is more powerful than IPL, and hence less treatments are needed. Additionally, with the unique cooling system or DCD (Dynamic Cooling Device) this enables safer and less painful treatments.
How much does each laser treatment session cost?
Cost depends on the diagnosis & if it carries a Medicare rebate.
As a rough guide,
- V Beam and vascular lasers performed by Dr Davin Lim $400-$550 out of pocket
- In most cases Medicare gives a rebate for the procedure
- Birthmarks and Port Wine Stains carry a significant Medicare rebate
- Vascular lasers by clinicians $200 – $350
Are laser treatments claimable on Medicare or Private Health insurance?
Depends. Medicare claims are possible if laser treatments are carried out by dermatologists, and if the blood vessel can be seen at 3 meters or more and located on the face. Medicare does also cover for birthmarks such as port wine stains
What is the difference between my treatments and beauty spas and clinics that offer laser –IPL?
Training, equipment. All our staff and trained and supervised by Dermatologists, specialist in the field of laser and aesthetic medicine. Our extensive network of Specialist, including Dermatologists, Vascular Surgeons, and Plastics ensures that conditions such as birthmarks, and deep varicose veins are referred to the correct people. Our high clinical and ethical standards means that we refer what we cannot effectively treat in clinic.
The clinic has and always will invest in leading and cutting edge equipment.
IPL can be provided by beauty spas, and cosmetic GPs, and if performed correctly can be effective, however lasers are very precise and specific instruments, designed to treat a particular target- in this case, red. This causes less side effects, discomfort and produces far more superior results than IPL.
Davin’s viewpoint on vascular lasers
Redness, rosacea, flushing & blushing, Port Wine Stains and red dots (called Campbell de Morgan spots, and spider naevi) can all be treated with IPL or with laser. I use both, but for pure ‘red conditions’ treatment, I find that lasers are generally better and hurt less than IPL. IPL is great as a ‘general treatment’ for conditions such as sun damage, freckles, and brown marks.
My favoured vascular laser is the Prima with a bigger spot size than the V Beam Perfecta. For laser genesis work I use both the Prima & the Splendor X.
I do think that dynamic cooling with the cryogen spray is far better at alleviating pain associated with vascular lasers & offer an extra layer of safety compared to gel based or air-based cooling.